Part 55

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Nalin jumping in front of Philip and hug him "since when?" Philip stop Nalin from jumping and look seriously at Nalin "what's wrong Philly?" "Nally, don't you realise what just happened?" "what?" ask Nalin again in confusion "did i scream too loud? I'm so sorry Philly" "it's not that, the thing is not easy because i'm gay and i didn't tell anyone else except you and my parents". Nalin look at Philip warmly "Philly, i'm your friend from little and i am mad that you never told me about that".

Philip confused "you mad because i'm not telling you that i'm a gay?" "no silly, i am mad that you didn't tell me about you have a crush" Philip stunned "are you being serious?" ask Philip again unbelievable "there is something important that my parents teach us ever since we were born, i been join and celebrate the pride month with them for my whole life Philly". Philip jaw dropped "what? How? You never told me about that" Nalin smile "this is not something i have to clarify because it's about my family personal moment and i don't need others people permission for it".

Philip smile and hug Nalin tighter "i'm glad that i meet you and i tell you all about this" Nalin smile and caressing his back "thank you for telling me about this and i'm very happy for you no matter what Philly" "we have a lot to catch up but first let's go back to them" Nalin let go Philip and nod her head. They both go back with a bright smile and give their friends the water "do you have any extra water? I just finished mine" someone tapping Nalin shoulder. Nalin turn around and give the extra water bottle "here you go".

Nalin is surprise to see the person that tapping her is Kayden "thank you" he said but still look at Nalin. Nalin hurriedly and go sit next to Dean and Ben "good game today" say Ben to Kayden "yeah, don't forget to come practice everyday after class because we gonna have our first game in 3 months" say Kayden "of course, i really excited for it" say Dean. Kayden still sit close to them "it's getting late, i have to go now guys" Nalin take Aydin bag "you will come to the game right?" ask Kayden suddenly.

Everyone is looking at Kayden with questioning expression "sorry what?" say Jasmine "i ask all of you, you guys coming right?" explain Kayden "of course we will come to support our friends but not you obviously" reply Avery. Kayden smirk "i know that, i just amazed that you guys always there for each other" "are you jealous because your girlfriend won't come or is it ex now?" Carl ask boldly. Kayden look at Carl "we broke up now and i try to make a friends but i guess i failed".

"Oh yeah, where the hell is your friends go?" ask Philip "why all of you being so intense, relax..." say Ben when he look at his friends look like so mad "we are good just wondering because suddenly this Mr. Popular is talking to us when he friends is abandoned him" Jasmine intentionally said that. Kayden still silence "i will be honest with you, i never like you because you always teasing and make fun of Nalin beforw and now suddenly you talk with her and us" say Carl.

"Tell me right now, what is it that you want from us?" ask Philip "nothing, just want to be friend with you guys" explain Kayden "okay then, we are done and let's go" Avery hold Nalin hand. They all stand up and walk away from there, Kayden only look at Nalin back. Someone hit his head and when Kayden turn around it's Daniel "what are you looking at?" ask Daniel "nothing just packed up stuff" denied Kayden.

Daniel look at the same direction that Kayden was looking and he only see a group of friends walking "do you like someone in that group?" "what? Why are you suddenly ask me all this question?" "come Kay, i know you very well spill it...". Kayden sigh "i actually i don't know what i'm feeling towards her because i used to be close with them and i always teasing that girl" Kayden head down "i don't know how it's started, my other friends join the teasing and things getting out control when they change the teasing to bully" explain Kayden.

Daniel let out a heavy sigh "wow man, that suck and what did you do to her?" Kayden close his eyes because he don't to talk about it "i was stupid and i really an asshole just like thay said" "no way man, tell me that you do something to make it clear the situation". Kayden shake his head "i didn't do anything because Jazz lied to me and i fall for that lie" "what lie?" "she said that girl attack her because she want to be more close with me and i believe that".

Daniel sit next to Kayden, still can't believe what he just heard "you let your so call friends bully her because of that? And you never do anything to it?" Kayden nodded "i just ignored and pretended like nothing happened". Daniel stand up and throw his bottle away "fuck man, why the hell did you start teasing her?" "i don't how and when but she look funny when she is confused and her reaction is cute when she got prank".

Daniel stare at Kaden "you like her and Jazz knows it that's why she set the trap and you fall for it" "i know and i realise it way too late now" "you and Jazz never be good and i told you i don't like her at all" Kayden agreed "so, the reason you guys break up is that bully?" "yes, i was so mad when i knew the truth so yeah". Daniel sit back next to Kayden and put his arm around Kayden shoulder "at least you out an effort to apologise and know and realise your mistake" "i don't know which girl you talking about but i rooting for you man" "thanks Danny".

The next day, today we go to school by ourselves and i wake up early because i have something more important to do "morning family" greet Nalin cheerfully "morning sweetie, you early" Chanthira smile when she look at her daughter very happy today "did something good happen today?" ask Audryna before kiss her daughter forehead "yes, i will go to school first and Aydin will go with his friend" "what? Why aren't you two go together?" ask Audryna "mummy, sometimes i need my privacy and my time too" Chanthira laugh "alright sweetie, just be careful okay?" "okay, don't worry because the way to go to the school is public" both Audryna and Chanthira nodded their head.

After finished breakfast, Nalin start walking from her house slowly until the middle way she found Wyatt is opening his back door and coming out from there. Nalin walk slowly from Wyatt behind and smile. This feeling is special and warm, just looking at his back is enough for her as long as Wyatt didn't notice it. She don't know how long she will do this but she doesn't want it to end too soon since she have another couple years to spend time walking like this.

Dance club "hello everyone, first of all i want to say welcome to our dance club..." say the leader "i see a lot new face and i'm really happy to see you guys" "we will practice and learn a lots of choreo everyday because our club is famous for the performance" "we will divided the freshman from others so that you can master our daily routine to learn a new choreo, do you have any questions?" Philip raise his hand "how long will do we need to be learn it?" "good question, we will learn and practice for 3 to 4 hours weekdays and for weekend we will spend more around 5 to 6 hours".

The leader walk around to see the freshman "this year we have 10 freshman, this is easy so total will be 50 people this year" say the leader "Luna, can you take care of our new baby members?" "yes, of course". A tall and long hair girl walk and standing in front of them with a bright smile "hello guys, my name is Luna and i will be taking care of you guys for this year" once Luna done with her introduction everyone is clapping "thank you so much, so let's introduce yourself start with the back".

One by one stand up and introduced their self until it's Nalin turns "hello everyone, my name is Arisa Verlice Zhang and you can call me Nalin" everyone is clapping and Nalin sit down back to her sit "alright, take this clip and write your name down and wear it for a month just for you guys to know each other" Luna hand out the clip and everyone is busy write it down and wear it. Luna smile look at all of the freshman "okay guys, i will show you our dance rountine after that i will teach you how to do it then we will dance together".

Someone raise their hand "yes" "what if i can dance properly?" Luna smile "it's okay, we can take time and learn it slowly step by step until you can do it" "here in our club, the most important things for us is for you to enjoy it because if you don't enjoy it how can you do it well right?" the boy nodded. Luna and others senior get into the position and start to dancing. After they finished they all claps "thank you so much, now you already see it and it's about time for you guys to learn" "everybody stand up and take your position and follow me okay" "okay..." they all answer it.

After 3 hour long learning the step and get familiar with the music it about time to go home. When Nalin come out from the studio she saw Aydin is already there waiting for her. She run towards Aydin and Aydin catch her and hug her tightly "Babe...." scream Nalin "oh, you heavy" Nalin punch Aydin arm, Aydin laugh "how was it your first dance club?" "it's fun and i really love it" Aydin tie Nalin hair while Nalin is wearing her shoes back "thank you" "no worries, let's go home" Nalin hold Aydin hand and walk away from there "Philly, Carl, see you tomorrow..." "alright Nally, see you tomorrow".

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