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Wyatt Barlowe, a high school senior of Lakewood high. He is a captain of football, hockey and a member of theatre club too, he is tall, smart, wear glasses in a handsome way and popular too. In his senior year, he be more busy and have a lot of activities to do for his junior. The first day of his last year of high school, begin as usual but there's something he noticed that suspicious.

He noticed that it's been 2 years now, there is a girl who is always walk behind him at the same time. He also saw her again at the football game and hockey too. But she is not a member of theatre club, she is in art club with her friends. I wonder about this mysterious and suspicious girl, at first i thought that we accidentally meet but after a month i don't think it is a coincidence.

She always there in every game of football and hockey, she is there with her friends and she is close with my junior name Aydin. I got to know that Aydin is in the same class with her and also her close friend. But they didn't look like a normal close friends cause the way they look at each other and the way they take xare of each other is different.

Because of that i believe that i was wrong when i thought she was stalking me, i think that Aydin is her boyfriend cause they always together and then i saw there is another boy who is close with them too. She always shy whenever i look back at her and she didn't forget to cheer for me too and the whole team. After sometimes, i think that she is cute actually.

I know that she have a feeling to me cause there's no way she will go to school together with me everyday. She also avoid my eye contact with her and always run away whenever i try to be close with her. I couldn’t talk much with her and we just talk about work only. I really want to get to know her and i always wait for her at her usual place for lunch.

We seat far away from each other, one day she spent her time with another boy. He is the rugby player, the famous one. He is tall and tanned, unlike me cause my skin is white cause i spend my time more on hockey than football. She getting close to that boy every single day, but she still go to school the same time as me.

I wonder what is their relationship and why she still follow me by walking behind me to school. That evening, i was playing dodge ball with my friends. They throw the ball so fast and end up the ball hit her head. I didn't know that she was behind me and when i turn i knew i was late cause the ball already hit her.

She scream in pain and fall down, i run fast to her and look at her if she hurt anywhere or if there's any wounds at her. I hold her and take her to the nearest bench for her to seat so that i can check on her "i'm so sorry, i didn't know that you were at my back" "it's okay, it's my fault cause i don't pay attention to my surroundings".

She keep touching her head and it make me worried "do you feel any oain at somewhere else other than your head?" "no, i just felt little bit dizzy because the ball is so hard" "maybe you should go to treatment room to lay down" "it's okay, it's not that hurt and thank you for helping me" "no worries, it my responsibility to help you cause you got hurt because of me".

Nalin smile, this is the first time we ever talk this long and the way she smile at me is so beautiful too "i will go take some ice for yout head" "it's okay, i'm fine". I was about to see Nalin head but i got stopped cause Aydin is coming. Aydin running toward Nalin and immediately take a sit next to her "i heard that you got hurt".

Aydin check around Nalin's body, Nalin stop Aydin from being panic "the ball just hit my head that all and i'm fine". Aydin immediately check out Nalin's head and touch it gently "it swelling a bit around here" "ouch" Nalin scream in pain. Both me and Aydin shock "wait here" suddenly Aydin run and come back with a towel and ice. He hold it "let me do it and you stay here".

Aydin look at Wyatt "i'm so sorry Aydin, it's my fault for not being alert and act more fast to prevent it" explain Wyatt with full of guilty. Aydin smile "its okay, i understood you cause Nalin is a clumsy person so don't worry" "hey, i can take care of myself okay" "yeah whatever, it's always me who help you whenever you in trouble like this".

I look at both of them fighting with each other but still take care of each other "Wyatt, you can go now cause i can take care of her" "oh yeah, once again i'm so sorry" "thank you so much for your help" say Nalin and Wyatt smile before he go "your welcome".

After that, my eyes only focus on her and 3 weeks later i saw that something is wrong with Nalin cause she doesn't look like she used to be. After the summer break, i was waiting and looking for her but she didn't follow me to school and during recess i couldn't find her or Aydin. I want to ask her friends about her but i couldn't find any good reason to talk about her.

Later, i found out that they change school because of her family work. No wonder i couldn't find her or Aydin for weeks. It's kinda sad cause i couldn't get to say goodbye for the last time and i tried to look for both Aydin and Nalin social media. But Facebook didn't help me at all and Instagram also i couldn't find.

After years goes by, i finally meet her again at here. She still look the same but more beautiful and little taller. She still clumsy cause she couldn't find tissues and she always say sorry first without looking. She even look more cute and i couldn't believe it her at first but when i saw Aydin, i knew it was her and i have to grab this chance.

I gave my number to both Aydin and Nalin and i really hoping for her to text me or call me but she didn't. Only Aydin who text me and we just talk about the old memories. After that day, i tried to ask Aydin his Instagram and follow him and then he gave me Nalin id too. I'm so happy that he gave me Nalin id but i couldn't follow her right away.

I still look for the good time, i don't want to scare her. But god have another plan for me, i accidentally saw her when i was walked to grab some coffee before go back to my work. I'm happy that we met again and have this small talk. I already gave her the hint and she understood it. That night, i was hesitant whether to follow her or not. While i was still thinking about it, a nurse burst into my office and i was surprised and accidentally follow her.

I'm throw my phone at my table and nervously waiting cause i suddenly regret it. I heard my phone notification sound, i get up slowly and take my phone. She accept it and i'm jumping in happiness, i dm her and she replied to me back. That night we started to talk more and slowly to get to know each other.

I let her know whenever i was free so that she won't felt bad for texting me. She knows that i already busy but it was me who always text her first and she always replies it back amd we got to talk a lot and i can feel how comfortable she is now to talk with me and i said that i want to meet her when i have an off day and she says okay to it.....

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