Going Back Home

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After months of struggling, finally i got the 2 months holiday before new semester is starting. We go back home together after saying goodbyes to my friends "gonna miss you guys so much" i pout my mouth "me too" they all replied "don't worry, we can do video call whenever we have time" "that's right, after graduation or before graduation can we have a vacation together please...." "we will see about it"

"please do that, cause we barely meet each other now cause Maeve is super busy" "i want to create more moments of us before we go to the next level" "don't say that, it's so sad and it's far away okay" "well it's not that far cause we will be in our last semester before we go do our internship" "once we start our internship, we finally step into the adulthood world guys" "oh my god, that's so scary" "yeah, but that's what we have to go through it" "that is correct, i suddenly felt so scared of going for the next step".

We all worried about the future holds for us and what it could be because be a teenagers is the age of time. Just go to college don't have to think much about life cause we still under our parents care. We can just enjoy our life with our friends but nothing is stay forever same goes with youth and teenagers age. That's how we learn about the real world.

Isn't funny that, we spent a lot of time and years learning things but they never thought us about the real world. How the real world can be so hard for you and could be easy for some people. We all need to learn about it by ourselves, i hope that our friendship stay like this always. Doesn't matter if the world is bad or mean as long as we have each other everything's gonna be alright.

We finally arrived, i saw papa and mama already waiting for us with a big smile. I open the door and leave it open then running towards mama and papa "ma, pa, i missed you guys so much" i hug them both tightly. They also hug me back tightly and then Aydin join us "my babies, you both grow up so much" say mama while she stroke our face and kiss us.

Aydin is embarrassing and i just laugh at his reaction "how are you my princess?" ask papa. I smile "never be better, pa" "and you boy?" "i'm a big man now pa, please don't call me boy". Suddenly Aydin feel pain behind  his back, mama hit his back "so, now you a man now huh Channarong....". Mama call Aydin by his full name is always the funniest part cause we all know how much he didn't like that name.

I laughed hard and then mama look at me "funny right Nalin Arisa" i stop laughing "now, go take you begs and put it in your room and fresh yourself before come down". When mama give a command to us, we do it immediately "yes madam" Aydin replied jokingly and he runs fast before mama could catch him.

I take my bag and go upstairs, i see Ayan "oh, Ai i don't know that you at home". Ayan get up from sofa and come closer to me "i got home yesterday and i just wanna surprise you Linlin". Ayan take my beg from me and he walk to my room "that's great that you're here too, finally we all can spent more time together". Ayan smile.

I'm unpacking all of my belongings before come down, then someone knock my door "hello, are you done?" i look back and i see mama "ma, you scared me because you suddenly knocked my door". Chanthira smile and come inside her daughter room "i'm sorry that i scared you, i just wanna have a chat with you". I smile and make some space for mama to sit down.

Chanthira help her daughter unpacking her things "how are you love?" "i'm good ma, just busy doing a lot of works" "do you make more friends now?" "yes i did ma, we more closer now and next time i will introduce you to my friends". Chanthira smile and look at her daughter "i'm so happy that you doing great cause i was so worried to let you go far away from us".

I can see her worry eyes and i understood her feelings "i guess letting you go this far is a good decision for you to move on" "thank you for letting me go and trust me ma" "i'm so sorry for makes all of you worry about me and i promise that i will take care of myself". Chanthira pat her daughter head softly and hug her "i know, thank you for being strong".

After our heartwarming conversation, we go down together and i see Naris and Narisa also there with papa "hey, how long your break this time?" ask Naris "2 month" i answer "that's great, do you have any plan for your break?" Narisa ask "no actually, maybe just stay at home with ma and pa". Arjun stand next to his daughter "you should go out and have fun" "nah, all i need is just a have good rest in my room".

"For whole break?" Ayan ask "maybe" "what?" everyone is shock by my answer. I look at them "sweetie, are you sure?" ask Arjun "yes pa, or maybe i can visit him cause it's been a while not to see him". Everyone stay silent for a moment, they knew that it's been a while for Nalin cause they all always see him "do you know where he is?" ask Naris "yes, but i don't remember clearly".

They look at each other "i can drive you to see him" Arjun say "really, than let's go tomorrow and bring him back". Everyone are shock by Nalin statement "are your sure sweetie?" "yes pa, i'm doing great and i really want to spent time with him" "i'll go with you" say Aydin "i missed him too". Arjun look at his daughter and his wife, Chanthira look worry but she smile and nod her head "alright then, let's all of us go tomorrow because the more is the merrier".

We all smile and agreed with it, that night we all hang out at upstairs while our parents is at downstairs "honey, i'm worried about our daughter" "yes honey, me too but i believe her cause she look much better now right" "that's true, our real reason to sent him there is to make sure our daughter can move on her life". Both of them sight "she's doing better now and if she said she want him back here, she can cause she have the right".

"Yeah, do you think she's ready now?" "absolutely, i trust and believe in our daughter and if there's anything happen she will let us know it cause she promise to us" "alright then, i hate to see her our happy and cheerful in a dark and gloomy" "she will be fine cause we all here for her right" "yeah, maybe we should stay there for few days" that's a good idea, i go let our kids know that" "i go tell Audryna and Noel about this trip".

Arjun get up and go upstairs, Chanthira search for her phone and dial Noel number. Chanthira told Noel about the trip and if they want to join they can meet them there. Arjun go up and he saw all of his children is at living room watching tv together" kids, i have something to tell you". All of them turn to Arjun "what is it?" ask Narisa "how about we stay there for few days?". He look at his children nervously.

The children look at each other before answering "yeah" they all say "alright then, stop whatever you guys doing and go pack your things". Immediately they all get up and go inside their room to pack their bags for tomorrow trip "let's just pack for 2 weeks, are you guys okay with that?" "yes...." they all scream from their room.

Arjun go down to meet his wife "what the kids say?" "they all agreed" "that's wonderful, i already told Noel and Audryna about it and turn out they actually there" "what a surprise, that's lovely cause we all gonna have fun trip there" "i know right, we should go start packing our things too" "yes, let's go". Arjun and Chanthira go up to their room and starting to pack their belongings for tomorrow.

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