I Found You

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Kayden is walking while holding bunch of flower for the dance event later once the cake is cut. When he try to take his ohone from his pocket he bumped to someone and they noth immediately go down to collect the flower and that girl apologize for bumped to him. He also apologize for not look around and be more careful. He take his phone that girl hand it to him and stand up to see who is helping him.

When they look at each other, that girl is smiling "i'm sorry once again" said that girl and rush into the toilet without give him a chance to talk because looking at her already make him stunned to speak because of her familiar face and he really really know that girl and feel so overwhelmed. He just stood there for few minutes until someone call his name "Kay" "yes?" "what are you doing here, let's go" he being dragged by his friend.

When he go inside the hall, he see there's a lot of people there and his eyes is searching for the blue dress girl that he bumped earlier. Hoping that he get the chance to her for real. During the cut the cake his eyes caught the blue dress girl walk from behind tonher table. He look at the people at her table and he see familiar faces "Barlowe and Henley, he always by her side" Kayden talk with himself slowly.

Daniel noticed that Kayden is not focusing and he is looking at somewhere at the back. Daniel look at the same place Kayden been looking at and found Wyatt and Aydin. Daniel slowly move forward to Kayden "what you looking at Kay?" ask Daniel. Kayden is surprised by Daniel sudden question, he quickly look away pretending like nothing happened "nothing, i just look around the hall that's it" explain Kayden in hurried.

Daniel nod his head "have you meet Wyatt's girlfriend? She is so beautiful and cute too" "nope, i didn't expect to see Aydin here too" "me too because he always bisy but he promise that he will come so he really kept his promise" "yeah, he always been that way" Kayden still look at Aydin. Luna turn around and link her arm with Daniel arm "Kay, have you meet Wyatt's girlfriend?" "nope, why both of you ask me the same questions to me?" Kayden slightly irritated.

Luma smile "i'm so sorry Kay, i have something to tell you about his girlfriend actually" "what about her?" "her name is Nalin, she used to be a member of our school dance club before she and Aydin got transferred" Luna spill the tea "Nalin..." whisper Kayden. When Kayden heard about it, the old memories suddenly rush inside his mind. He do remember that Nalin join the club at the first year of high school and he also used to wait for her when the practice is done.

They will go back home together because their house is quite close. Nalin house is at the front and his house is at the back while Wyatt house is in the middle between their houses. The time they used to spent together is playing inside Kayden head and he feel so overwhelmed. They really had fun and enjoy their timw together but he is wondering why Nalin didn't remember him when they bumped each other earlier. Is she pretending not knowing me or is she really didn't remember me?.

Kayden couldn't stop thinking about it, he want the answer right now because she is there right in front of him. All he need to do is walk there and just ask her but he couldn't do that, his legs betray him and didn't let him do go there no matter what. Kayden sigh "Kay, you and Henley and Nalin is the same age right?" ask Luna "yes, why?" "that's mean you must know her because you and Henley in the same team" "i'm in rugby team and he's in the football team" explain Kayden.

Out of nowhere Kayden suddenly feel angry when Aydin name keep on being mentioned "aren't you and Henley in the same class?" ask Daniel "nope, he in the next class and i don't remembered much about high school actually" at this moment Daniel sensed some is off about Kayden and Aydin "Kay, since you already here let's go meet them because Luna want to have chat with Nalin" say Daniel and Kayden is shock by sudden invitation.

Daniel call Luna "honey, let's go" say Daniel. Kayden is getting more and more nervous, every step is getting closer to the table and Nalin face is getting more clearer for him. Luna tap Nalin shoulder and Nalin turn around "Nally, how's the cake? Is it good?" ask Luna "it's so delicious, your cake is so beautiful" smile Nalin. Aydin stand up when he see Kayden with Daniel and Luna right in front of Nalin "Jefferson, what are you doing here?".

Aydin sound intense and looking so serious. Kayden look at Aydin and he knew that Aydin could do anything if he take the wrong way "Henley, long time no see" answer Kayden. Kayden eyes from look at Aydin fierce eyes to Nalin, he is surprise to see Nalin didn't bother about his presence around there. Aydin saw Kayden eyes look at Nalin he hold Nalin hand slowly "do you know Kayden Nalin?" ask Daniel. Everyone's eyes look at Nalin now and she feel the pressure but Aydin hand holiday her make her less tension.

She put her best smile "of course i know him, he is Aydin friend" explain Nalin. Aydin nod his head slowly proud that his sister manage the situation very well "i see, that's crazy how small the is because all of you got to meet here after a long time right?" say Daniel "yeah, what a great coincidence" say Wyatt "sit down, it's must be hirt to standing whole day right" say Nalin with smile.

They all take a sit and Kayden notice the empty chair between Aydin and Nalin "where is the handsome man go?" ask Daniel "oh, he go to toilet and he will be back" answer Wyatt "you really adore him" say Aydin "yes, i hope that one day we can have a son like him" say Daniel while looking at his wife. Luna hit Daniel thigh, everyone laugh "please don't talk about having kid when you just getting married hon" say Luna.

Daniel put his head on Luna shoulder and beg her "i know honey, it just he is so cute and i can't help it" say Daniel. Right then, Akira walk in and pull the chair and sit "how is it baby?" ask Nalin "it's not that far and i can manage it mummy" answer Akira. Kayden raise his eyebrows "you have son?" Kayden sudden question make everyone look at him. Aydin give a deadly look at Kayden when he ask that question "yes, this is my son Akira Camden" say Nalin while stroking Akira hair.

Kayden is still in shocked "hello, name is Akira Camden" introduce Akira to Kayden "good boy baby, this is your mummy and daddy friend and his name is uncle Kayden" explain Aydin towards Akira. Akira nod his head "i see, nice to meet you" say Akira. Kayden head is hurt because he didn't understand what kind of situation is this right now and he have so many questions inside his mind.

It's a dance time, the bride and groom go to the middle hall and start to dancing together meanwhile Kayden still at the table "why are you still here?" ask Aydin "there's no wrong for me to stay here beside this chair is empty" answer Kayden. Aydin still can't stand he still here "it's been 10 to 11 years since the last time we meet" say Kayden "so what? We are not that close to sit here together to chit chat" say Aydin.

Kayden look at Aydin mad face "why are you mad at me?" "are fucking kidding me?" "what???" "you don't deserve to ask me that question and i will always mad at you after what happened" Kayden face is changed when Aydin said that. Nalin sit down next to Aydin after dancing with Wyatt and Akira "babe, can you get me some water please?" Nalin do the please look because she knows that Aydin couldn't resist it.

Aydin sigh "i can't leave you here alone" "i'm not alone babe, there's so many people in this hall and your friend is here" Nalin mention it to Kayden. Aydin give that worry look but Nalin just nod her head and Aydin give up "okay fine, i will take some snacks for you" "thank you babe" wave Nalin. Now on this table there's only two of them Kayden and Nalin. Kayden keep looking at her and she had enough "what is it that you want Kayden Jefferson" ask Nalin with a strict voice.

Kayden take a deep breath "how are you? Don't you remember me Alin?" "yes, but after Daniel introduce you i remembered you" Kayden heart is hurt "i can believe that i get to see you again like this at here" "me too" answer Nalin sarcastically "i'm surprised that you have a son" "there's nothing wrong with have a son, just go to straight point Kayden" "i'm want to say that i'm sorry about the past and i knew the truth really late" Kayden stop for a moment.

He look again at Nalin cool eyes "i'm such a jerk" "that's great that you know that Kayden, we just a stupid immature kid but it's in the past now" "even though it is in the past i still owe you an apology for what i did to you and what i said to you" "alright, i forgive you because we were so young that time and i can understand it now so no worries" Kayden smile "so, are we good now?" "yeah but that's it because i don't want to anything to you" that hits Kayden hard.

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