Part 13

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Finally the day that we been waiting for is here, today is d-day for our activities. We do a carnival booth with bunch of activities to do with your family and with the help we got from others members we able to make it.

There is booth of cooking and baking, booth for cute make up, booth of water park, booth of haunted house, drinks booth, knitting booth, and there's a clown too. The money we will donate it to people how need help, we already choose 3 places to donate and let people knows about it and our little carnival get a lot of support from people around here.

I'm so happy to see our money box also getting more and more money from people donating, our little carnival start at 8 until 6 and our carnival pretty packed too. There's a long line at tiket booth before they entering. I took care of drinks booth and make all the drink with Aries, Aydin and Meave at water park, Sienna and Hans at cooking and baking, Faith and Navin at haunted house.

Half of the staff be a ghost cause our haunted house is very famous because Aydin friends is really good at doing the make up effects for it. I step out from my place for a moment to check out other booth and they all doing well. I go check at the ticket booth and i saw my parents is coming too "oh my god, ma, pa and mummy, daddy" i smile and hug them "i didn't know you will come here?" "surprise, we are here and your little carnival is so beautiful and fun" say Noel.

I'm so happy to see them and i take them inside to show them more while explain every booth to them "thank you for coming here and let's go inside, i will show you around". We arrive at Aydin booth and of course he is confuse when he saw our parents is here "oh my god, you guys made it" he hug both our parents "i know right, they suddenly come and said surprise" "i totally get surprised and happy to know that you guys is here".

Maeve come out from the booth and i take her hand "this is my friends, she study English literature and she is here to help us" "oh, that's nice and nice to meet you" they say. Maeve look at me and Aydin confused "oh, this is my mama and papa, and this is my mummy and daddy" "hello dear, we are Aydin and Nalin parents". Maeve still confuse "to make it easy for you, the left is Nalin parents and the right side is my parents" explain Aydin.

Maeve finally understood it "nice to meet you, your children always talk about their parents a lot" "oh really, i hope they say the mice thing about us" say Arjun jokingly. We laugh and leave for the next booth, we introduce our parents to all of our friends and of course we have to explain the same thing all over again each booth. After introducing session is ended we leave our parents to enjoy the carnival and go back to our booth.

The little carnival is a very successful event and we got a lot of money too. The closing time, we packed things up and clean the venue place before we leave. Our parents bring all the staff members to eat dinner at one of near restaurants. We have a blast day, and good ending too.

We arrived at the restaurant, it's a buffet restaurant. Our parents already make a reservation for us and we just come inside and take seat. We were amazed by the design and the restaurant look. It's so spacious and they have everything to eat and smells so good too. Our parents take seat at the back, me and my friends sit at the middle and their boyfriends sit with others staff members.

We look around the restaurant and the food too before we get up to eat it. "This is really big buffet restaurant don't you think?" ask Sienna "yeah, and the smell of food is splendid" say Navin. "We really need to thanks Aydin and Nalin parents for treat us dinner here" say Faith "i will go take a look what to eat with my boyfriend and see you guys later" say Aries.

They all get up and move to the food stations, Aydin put his bag next to my seat "where are they?" ask Aydin "already gone for food hunting". Aydin laugh "really, i already told them about dinner and let them eat to the fullest" "great, i think we should tell the girls about us" "what about us?" "they didn't know that we are cousins and i'm sure that they will ask about it because out parents is here".

Aydin look at our parents table and smile "if you're okay with it then i just follow you" "you sure?" "of course, if they ask you can tell them" "thank you Dinley" "you're welcome babe, let's go eat". Aydin take my hand and we go take our food together. Aydin help me with the plate and i put the plate at the table while he still searching for something else to eat.

After awhile, we all sit down and began to eat "the foods here is perfectly splendid" say Maeve "yeah, it's so delicious and unlimited" say Hans. While we were eating i can feel and see how the girls look at me and Aydin "okay, what is it that you want to ask?" i put my spoon down and look at them. They give each other a look before say anything "what is you guys relationship is, the real relationship" ask Navin.

I look at Aydin the the look of 'i told you so'. Aydin smile "didn't we told you?" say Aydin "yes you did but, we don't think it is that way" say Navin. "Okay, we are cousins Aydin parents is my uncle and auntie" i explain "our parents is really close to each other and they live and stay close together even before we were born". Me and Aydin try to understand the look that the girls gave to us "so, you are cousins and a lover too or what?" ask Hans.

"We just cousins, because we both really close to each other ever since we were kids, people think we are lovers when we grown up" i say "that's right, they said that we are too close just to be a cousins and some say that we pretend to be a cousins to hide our real feelings" say Aydin "and we also tired of explaining about this whole situation every single time, we just decided not to say anything and just let them think whatever they want" Aydin say.

"Holly shit, for real?" ask Faith "yes" i reply "only few people knows that we are cousins and because we are friends that's why we told you guys this all at once" say Aydin. Navin take Aydin and Nalin hands and shake their hands together "thank you for trust us and being honest". Aydin and Nalin feel relief to know that their friends is understandable about their situation "this is really cool and i really don't care whether you guys a cousin or lover actually" say Aries "that's right, we just confused and wondering cause we all friends" say Maeve.

We all get up and have a group hug for a minute and sit down and talk and eat again "but why did you always call Nalin babe when you both only cousin?" ask Navin "why not, she is my cousin and i can call her anything as long as she agree with that" "so, you agreed with that Nali?" ask Faith "yeah, at first we just joking about it and we end up call each other like that" "true, we used to call each other by name and it sound kinda rude and not really good".

"Even our parents didn't like they way we call each other, we call each other like hey, Aydin and hey Nalin" "they thought we were fighting at each other, so we try something else and babe sound nice to me and Aydin" explain me and Aydin. The girls agree with that "alright, let's continue to eat and cheers to our cute cousins and our friendship...." say Maeve while toss the glass and others follow her and we click our glasses together.

After dinner we say thank you to our staff members for helping us and hoping to be a good friends in the future and we will help them if they needed our help. We gave them a cute goodies bag As a token of our gratitude and appreciation to them for helping us for today's activities. After gave all the goodies bags we say thank you once and goodbye before leaving the restaurant.

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