The New Family Member

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"Ai, let's go to uncle house" say Naris "why do you want to go there?" "i want to meet him, don't you missed him?" "i do, let's go bring Dinley and Lin lin". Ayan get up and open the door and go to the tent "Lin lin, we want to go meet him at uncle house, do you want to come with us?".

Nalin look at his brother and Aydin "yeah sure why not, it's been a long time me since the last time i met him" say Nalin "are we going to bring him here?" ask Aydin "yeah, it's time to meet the new family member during this family meeting" say Nalin with smile. They all look at their little sister so proudly and smile "alright everybody, let go bring that boy here" scream Naris and everyone also join him.

They all go downstairs and Kenneth saw them running down the stairs together "hey hey, don't running down the stairs okay it's dangerous". They stop and go down slowly "sorry gramps" they said "we are you all going to?" "we are going to uncle house at the back" say Naris "why are going to his house?" "to meet him and he will join us for the dinner" answer Narisa.

Kenneth furrowed furrowed his eye brows "are you sure about this? Alin?" ask Kenneth worriedly and look at Nalin "yes gramps, we already talked about it to our parents and they agreed". Kenneth silent for a moment to think "if your parents agreed to it then i have nothing to say". They all smile and hug their gramps "love you gramps, we will be back before 7" say Ayan before they all dissappear "okay, don't be late".

Kenneth go back inside the kitchen "i heard the kids voices, where are them?" asked Raeylnn. Kenneth ket our a heavy sigh "they all go to their uncle house" Raeylnn stop doing her job and look at Kenneth with a serious face "they what?". Kenneth see how surprised Raeylnn is and he out his hands on Raeylnn shoulder to make her calm down "their parents knows and agreed to it".

Raeylnn sigh "if that's the case, we got nothing to say" "that's what i told them and they said they will be back before 7" "i think, it's about time for us to introduce the new member of our family" say Raeylnn with smile "yeah, that's true" say Zion and they both continue their job back.

It's 6:30pm now, Kenneth and Raeylnn already finished cooking. The pairs help setting the table for the dinner. Zion come down and go to the kitchen "is there anything that i can help you with?" ask Zion. Raeylnn smile "it's okay Zion, you are our guest and you should sit here".

Zion take a sit first and look at his son and everyone who is helping in the kitchen but he didn't see any if his grandchild "Noel, where's the kids?". Noel put the plate and go to his father "they at their uncle's house at the back" "oh, is your other relatives?" "yes, they always go there to meet with others cousins" Zion nodded his head.

Noel continue his work, few minutes later the kids are back. They come back home with a lot of noises and that everyone that they are back home. Audryna and Chanthira come out from the kitchen to see the kids "hey guys, finally your back" said Audryna. The kids see Audryna and smile "hai mummy, sorry if we are late because we kost track of time" say Ayan.

"It's okay because you're not late, come inside and wash your hands okay?" say Chanthira "okay ma..." they answered. Then they see a little boy holding Nalin and Aydin hands "Titi..., didi...." say that boy and running towards Audryna and Chanthira. Chanthira pick up that boy and kiss him, Audryna also give him kisses and that boy giggles "how are you baby?" asked Audryna.

That boy hug both of them "we missed you a lot and look at you more handsome and heavier" say Chanthira. Nalin and Aydin look at that boy with smile "we will go inside wash our hands first" excuse Aydin "okay, we will join you after wash this cutie pie hands" say Chanthira. Aydin and Noel go inside and leave the boys with their mothers.

When the kids come inside the kitchen they saw Zion and greet him "hello grandpa" they all greet. Zion is happy to see his grandchildren after almost while day didn't see them "hello kids, nice to see you guys again". They wash their hands and take a seat "you guys seem to be very busy around here" ask Zion "not at, we just go to our auntie and uncle house to say hello" explain Ayan.

Zion nod his head, Zion see that Aydin take out the baby chair to the dining room "who's that for Aydin?" ask Zion "it's for the baby, our new family member" say Aydin. Zion is confused "a baby?, who's baby is that?" "it's my baby" say Aydin bluntly, Zion is shocked. The parents and grandparents listen to it from the kitchen nervously.

The kids said that they want to tell Zion by their self and beg for the parents to let them to handle it by their own way. They give up and let the kids do it, they just watch and see from the kitchen. Zion is still confused and shocked by the news "when are you married?" "i didn't, it just happened" "it my baby and Aydin grandpa, i hope you didn't hate us" say Nalin.

Nalin take a deep breath and Aydin hold Nalin hands "i have him when i was 16 years old, this is nothing to do with our parents and i hope you didn't put a blame on them because they do a great job of raising us without any problems" explain Nalin. Zion stay quiet and listen to his grandson and granddaughter explanation with open mind.

"I have a boyfriend and we didn't get along well, so i have him with Aydin help to raise him" Nalin stop to see Zion respond to it. Zion look at Nalin eyes and his eyes is shaking and bit wet. He stand up and walk closer to them. He look both Nalin and Aydin, his tears falls and that make Nalin and Aydin shocked. Zion hug both of them "it's okay my babies, i understand your story and i never blame your parents or anything".

Zion pat's both Nalin and Aydin back "things already happened and it's the past now, i also like you". Nalin and Aydin immediately look at their grandpa "what do you mean?" ask Aydin "me and your grandma have your daddy at young age too" say Zion with smile. They all burst out laughing "oh my god, seriously" say Nalin "yes, i once a teenager and i knew it well so don't worry" say Zion.

He pat their head "that's mean i have a great grandchild right?" "yes grandpa" say Nalin while laughing "i'm happy to be a young great grandfather to the baby". They laugh again "so where is that baby?" ask Zion. Aydin put the chair next to his seat and go inside the the kitchen. He come out holding the little boy with him, a big smile come out from Zion when he see a little cute boy "hello there" say Zion while touch that boy cheeks.

Zion look so happy and smile brightly "is it a boy or a girl?" "a boy grandpa, his name is Akira Camden". Zion didn't stop smiling looking at the boy "how old is he?" "4 years old". That little boy look at Zion with his big round eyes. He touch Zion face and smile a little and then he hug Aydin back because of shyness. Zion laughing just to look how cute he hide his face from Zion.

The people in the kitchen let out the relief sigh when they heard that Zion is okay with that and understand about the situation. They all so glad that Zion take the matter calmly and love that little boy so much. The most touching person is the parents and the grandparents, they all crying and relief so much that they finally get to introduce this new members.

Ayan come out "the food is ready, shall we take a seat and eat?". Zion look at Ayan and smile "yes, this cutie must be hungry now" say Zion and pinch a little bit of that little boy cheeks before go back to his seat. Aydin put that boy to his chair near him and Nalin seat. The parents and grandparents quickly dry their tears and come out with the food at their hands.

Once the food is set, Zion make a toss before eat "dear family, i want to thank you for giving me a chance to make things right and join this beautiful a big family dinner and bless the cute one here" Zion raise up the glass and tossed it. They started to eat, Zion keep on watching the views in front of him is so warm and beautiful. It's been a long time for him to have this big family dinner and wish that his wife could join them.

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