Our Graduations Day.....

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After 3 years of college i finally graduated and even though the event is quite big and the hall is bigger than i expected and i got so nervous because i got separated from Aydin but stay by my friends side, at least all of my family is here and i finally get to introduce my family to my friends. It's feel so damn good and excited too, to graduate together with all of my friends cause we all struggle a lot to finish our internship despite of the hard time we had.

Finally me, Aydin, and my friends are all pass the internship and graduate together. When the ceremony is finish, we finally can go find our family and take bunch of pictures. Before that i promise to my friends to meet them again after 30 minutes. I look for Aydin and hold his hand so that we won't get separated while looking for out family. We walk together while holding hands, search for our family in the crowds then Aydin see Daddy and Papa waving at us.

Once we found our family, they gave us cute and beautiful bouquet. While i was busy talking and taking picture suddenly there's a little boy running towards me and hug my leg. I was shocked by the hug and when i look back at the boy, he smile brightly at me "congratulations to you mummy and daddy". That boy is Camden, he hug my leg and Aydin pick him up to close to me "thank you dear" i kiss Camden and Aydin kiss him too.

We took a picture the 3 of us together before our parents join and then our siblings and the whole family. After the family pictures is done, we go take some with out friends. Nalin take Camden with her to introduce him to her friends. She climb up the stairs and see all her friends is there waiting as we promise. They wave at Nalin and Nalin wave back to them while smiling and holding Camden hand.

When Nalin come closer their reaction is so cute when they look at Camden holding my hand "hey guys" i greet them. All their attention turn to Camden, Camden is hiding behind me because the girls all surround him "oh my god, he soo cute" say Navin. They all squad down "don't worry baby, thia is my best friends" "say hai to them, they all pretty ladies". Camden show his face and wave his little hand "hai mummy's friends, my name is Akira Camden, 6 years old and nice to meet you".

Once he finished his greetings he hug Nalin leg and got shy again. The girls are screaming how cute Camden is when he got shy "oh my god......" say Hans "he look super cute they way he hide back" say Aries "true, he got so shy" say Faith "nice meet you too shy boy" say Sienna. I pick Camden up and hold him "baby don't be shy, look they want to see you" Camden turn around and see his mother friends is smiling at him.

He got shy again and hug Nalin "it's okay, let's take a picture together" say Hans. We take bucnh of it and Camden is getting more and more comfortable to hold Nalin's friends hand "you lool pretty" say Camden to Navin "thank you and you look handsome" Camden smile "do you like this place?" ask Hans " not really because it's too big for me but it special day for mummy and daddy" "do you have any flowers for us Camden?" ask Aries "yes, it's with daddy i will give to you all one later".

They all laugh "thank you so much Camden" say Maeve. Then, Aydin ia coming with the flowers on his hands and Camden is calling for him "daddy....." Camden run towards Aydin and Aydin catch him and pick him up easily "hey baby, how is it with mummy's friends?" "great, they all pretty like mummy" "oh really, that's good that you have a good time with them" "daddy can i have my flowers?" "why?" "i want to give it to mummy's friends" "okay, let's go together".

Aydin is arrived with Camden on his arm "hey ladies, how are you?" "Aydin, let's take a pictures together okay?" say Sienna "yeah sure but first, he have something to give to you all" Aydin out down Camden carefully, Camden take his beg and give the girls one each of flowers "congratulations pretty lady" say Camden when he give it to the girls one by one. They all screaming and Aydin watching his son proudly. Once Camden give the flowers too all of Nalin friends they hug him and take some more pictures together with Aydin.

"Okay girls, see you soon and gonna missed you guys a lot" Nalin hug her friends some more before follow Aydin to meet his friends because he want to introduce Camden to his friends. I hold Camden beg while Aydin is holding Camden "hey guys, meet my boy Akira Camden". Aydin hold Camden tightly "oh my god man, he look so freaking cute" say one of his friends "baby, say hello to daddy friends". Aydin put Camden down and hold his hand "hai daddy's friends, my name is Akira Camden, and i'm 6 years old" greet Camden shyly.

Aydin friends is all make a fuss because Aydin suddenly introduce to them that he has a son "nice too meet you little one, you look handsome just like your daddy" "thank you and you look handsome too" "who is more handsome, me or your daddy?". Camden look at his father then look at his father's friend "my daddy is more handsome, here is your flower and congratulations". They all make noises "he love his daddy the most and thank you for the flower" "let's take a pictures together".

Aydin take Camden with him and Nalin just watch them take the pictures with smile. Once they done taking all the pictures with their friends, they go back to meet their family at the restaurant as promised earlier. Aydin park his car and Nalin hold Camden hand and waiting for Aydin before they come inside the restaurant. That restaurant actually our family favorite place and we always go there on special occasions.

Once they walk inside there's a pop sound there claps sounds, it's our parents, siblings and our grandparents too standing and cheering for us when we coming. I was a bit surprised and lean on Aydin but i put my best smile, "oh my god....." scream Nalin "this is really big celebrations" say Aydin "of course it is big because our youngest children just graduated" say Chanthira "come here kids, blow the candle and let's eat" say Arjun.

Aydin and Nalin go to the middle table, they tool few pictures before blow the candle amd cut the cake then they take a seat and eat their lunch "thank you so much grandpa, gramps, and nana for coming today" say Aydin "not a big deal, obviously we will be here for all of your graduations" say Kenneth "small matter dear, we are so proud of both of you" say Raeylnn "i hope i wasn't too late for this traditions" say Zion.

Aydin and Nalin smile "you never late and thank you so much once again for coming" say Nalin. Aydin and Nalin stand up amd hug their grandparents "let's dig in and have fun" say Ayan. They cheers their drinks and start to eat, Camden will sit between Nalin and Aydin. That way they both can take turn to take care of Camden while eating. They talking, and laughing to catch up and tell the story of their life to their grandparents.

The three of them will stay here for few weeks and they love the ideas so much, actually they been planning to go back home end of this year as a vacation but it's okay anyway is fine too. Camden told his great grandparents about his new daycare and how excited he is to start school next year.

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