The New Start

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Nalin, is 20 years old she in her second year college. Today is the first day for new day for the new year. Nalin standing in front of her room while waiting for her friend Hans to be ready. When Hans come out from their room "are you ready for the new challenge?" asked Hans to Nalin "together with you, i'm always ready" said Nalin with smile. The girls start to walk to go to their class from their dorm. When they arrived at in front of their class, they meet their another friends. Aries, Faithlynn, Navin, Maeve, and Sienna.

Nalin and Maeve are used to be a roommate but after the first year contract is over they try to look for another dorm to live together but they got separated. Now Nalin share room with Hans, but still living under the same dorm. Aries and Faithlynn also a roommate and high school friend. They come here to study together. Navin and stay at the difference dorm but not far from others dorm. While Sienna commute from home to college every day. They all will meet together before go inside the class. They all in the same class except for Maeve. Maeve study English literature, while others is studying business management.

When Nalin and Hans see their friends, they all begin to start getting loud after a month didn't see each other "good morning people...." said Hans while hugging all the girls. "morning" replied them. When Nalin was busy hugging her friends, someone touch her shoulder and when she turn around she saw a guy with glasses. She saw that guy and smile brightly and hug him tightly "oh my god....." said Nalin.

That guy also smile happily to see Nalin "long time no see my love..." he kiss her cheek. The others girls watching romantically kissing and hugging and smiling at them. Navin clear her throat "excuse me sir, we still here and we very hope that you two can stop being soo sweet in of us". "True, it's not only you who have a lover, please don't show off here okay?" said Sienna. Others just laughing at them, Nalin let go her hand and smile "i'm sorry guys, it's been a very long time not to see him actually cause he really super busy".

The girls all smiles, "that's true but, right now we need to go to class so, see ya...." said Aries. That guy smile "alright then, see you guys after cause i'm going to treat all of you a lunch okay?" "okay" they all agreed. We say goodbye to Maeve and go inside our class and take a seat. "Nalin, are you and Aydin really together?" "i'm also wondering the same thing too, i really want to what kind of relationship are you guys have actually" ask Faith and Aries.

Nalin smiles "why are you smiling, we really want to know about it cause ever since day one we met each other and knows about each other you didn't say anything about him" Hans continue. I open my book and look at them "it is what you see and think, there's nothing to declare about okay?". Everyone was frustrated by Nalin answer.

"What.... It is true okay" "yeah, yeah" they all said. I get it why they all want to know about him but like i said before it is what they think about us. Actually me and Aydin agree with this and we already have talked about our relationship. He is my very best friend from school and he always take care of me. We agree to be in relationship to help him to get rip off all the girls who trying to flirt with him.

I don't get it why the hell he want to rip off it, i mean he should enjoy it the the moment right cause you only be in college at this age once in your life. But for me, i'm tired of man except for Aydin cause he is family just like my brother and my dad.

Our class finish at 2 and we all agreed to meet at student lounge if one of us finish class earlier. When we come in student lounge, i see Maeve already there and as always she busy with her work "hey, how's your class" i aksed "horrible, there's so many works to do and the time is not enough for me" "is there anything that we can help you with like do some research or anything?" "it's okay Nalin, i can handle it and if i can't i will let you guys know okay?". I smile at her and we all take a seat while waiting for the Aydin to come in.

After few minutes later Aydin finally come in and take a seat "i'm so sorry guys that i'm late, sir didn't let us go out early" "okay, since you already here let's go eat please cause i'm already starving like crazy" replied Sienna. Suddenly someone stop us "wait, hold on i have some questions" ask Faith "what is it?" say Aries "we have like 8 person here who go with who and who's car are we going with?" "okay, Sienna, Aries, Faith and Navin in one car, cause we going to using Sienna car cause she the only one who have the car" "the rest of you will ride with Aydin car, Nalin, Hans and Maeve is that okay for you guys?" "yes" we said.

We arrived at the restaurant "are going to have Korean food?" ask Hans "yup, cause i know you guys love Korean food so much so my ladies let's go inside". They all screaming and go inside, looks like that Aydin already booking the table for us cause this place are so full of people. It's so beautiful and obviously it play kpop song. There's one good thing about Aydin actually, he is really supportive person cause he doesn't mind of us getting loud singing kpop song.

Actually he really join together with us and maybe that's why my friends really comfortable and like Aydin to be around us. It's really hard to find someone a guy who really can blend well and didn't judge you for what you love and even supportive. We take a seat and look over the menu and order our food right away because we are so freaking hungry.

Don't mess with hungry girls, you will in trouble if you mess with us. Aydin look at Nalin "babe, how's your class today?" "good actually, we kinda enjoy our first class but we will see after a week". Aydin smile "and you didn't even bother to ask us huh?" "sorry Hans, how's your day?" "always good when we are together" we all laugh.

When our food is arrive we all busy eating and then Aydin stand up and busy looking for something "Aydin, what's are you looking for?" ask Navin "oh, i'm looking for napkins for you guys cause i know when you guys eat it's going to be a mess". We all laugh "yean, i agreed with you and if you go out can you please ask them our fried rice?" "yeah sure". Aydin go out and tey to find any staff that available.

He comes back with the napkins and mineral bottles. He give each other one of us a mineral water and take a seat "thank you Aydin, here eat a lot okay". Aydin smile "you most welcome and thank you for the chicken". We eat and talking a lot too "are you full already girls?" "yes actually why?" "do you have any space for dessert?" "oh my god are you serious?" "yes, let's go grab some dessert before we go back okay?" "okay....".

We go to cafe for the dessert time, we take a seat and discuss what to choose. I excuse myself to go to toilet and when i'm come out from toilet, i bump into someone shoulder and my glasses falls. We says sorry at the same time and i can't see his face clearly cause my glasses fall. When i put my glasses back he already gone.

Aydin saw me while i saw looking at the person i bump into "are you okay babe?" "yeah, it just my glasses fall cause i accidentally bumped someone" "when i put on my glasses he already gone, i just want to say thank you to him" "oh really, i think he's already leave and it's okay as long as you're alright its good" "maybe you will find him somewhere later if you lucky".

I hit Aydin arm "silly you, i just want to say thank you that's all okay" "hmmm, alright..." Aydin roll his eyes. I don't why but his voice kinda familiar to me or maybe it's just only my imagination. There's a lot of people out there have that deep voice.

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