The Twins Graduation Day : Naris And Narisa

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Few months later in March, Naris and Narisa graduation day will be happening at this weekend. Aydin and Nalin couldn't go there because they just started their internship few weeks ago. But they can meet their brother and sister after that at evening.

Aydin and Nalin go to the twins event place after finish their work. Luckily the twins graduation is at evening, they got to meet the twins there and before that they make a stop to buy flower bouquet for the twins. It's 5pm and they almost there, once they park the car they walk inside and see the green field that full of people taking pictures. They look around to find their family members and then someone calk them "Nalin, Aydin....".

They look back and see Ayan calling them, they smile when they see Ayan and walk close to him "are we late?" ask Aydin "no, you made it just in time, let's go". Ayan take his youngest siblings hands and lead them the way. Once they arrived, they see everyone is there "congratulations Risa and Ari" say Nalin and Aydin and give them the flower they brought earlier. The twins smike brightly and hug their youngest siblings "thank you kiddos" they say.

Narisa take out her camera and get ready "okay, now everyone is here let's take the picture everybody" say Narisa. Everyone is ready and we take  a lot of pictures there before we go to eat dinner together. Naris and Narisa introduce their family to their friends and take pictures with them too. We talk a lot about the graduation and our parents ask us about our internship work.

Ever since we started our internship we never be back home but we always call. I take a drive license but Aydin always there to pick me up. I don't want a car even though our parents want to give it to me because i already used to Aydin pick me up. Plus, if i have one i won't go anywhere because i'm so busy with my work so it's better this way.

At dinner, we eat and talk a lot more to catch up things "i have something to say" say Zion. He stand up "i have decided to stay with Kenneth and Raeylnn at Lakewood house". We all shocked "it's almost 2 years i have been stay here with you all and i think to stay at Lakewood" explain Zion more. We all listening to Zion "i really fell in love of that place and plus i have more friends there too".

We all smile "alright pa, i understand you but your heart is still not well" say Noel "i can take care of myself and i don't want to bother you anymore" "you never bothering me pa" Noel hold his father hands. "Don't worry my son, i will take care of Zion and be your eyes" say Kenneth "that's right, if he stubborn so much you know that i will make him eat his medicine on time no matter what" say Raeylnn.

Noel hug his in-laws "thank you so much Kenneth, Raeylnn and i really appreciate it so much" say Noel. Noel agree for Zion to move in with Kenneth and Raeylnn. We cheers again and drink "so Ari, do you apply job somewhere or you just continue working at the current place?" ask Audryna "i will just continue working there because i love there and olus it's near to our house".

"What about you sweetie?" "i will take a short break because i want to prepare myself and i already have a job in my mind". Their parents nodded their heads "alright sweetie, do whatever you want and never pressure yourself okay" say Chanthira "thank you mama". "If you don't mind, you can help us at café and bakery" say Arjun "really? I can do that?" "yes, why not and of course you got paid just like others".

"I can give a try" say Narisa "that's great, let me know when you want to go but for now let's just enjoy the moment" say Noel. Noel and Arjun put the food on the twins plate "thank you papa and daddy" they said together. They look at Ayan and give some food at his plate too "how about you darling?" ask Noel "good, i have a lot of things to learn" Noel smile "great, don't forget to eat and get some rest whenever you have time okay" "okay daddy".

"If you bored or whatever just come back home, all of you understood?" ask Arjun "yes" they all say. Arjun, Noel, Audryna and Chanthira satisfy with their childrens answer and continue to eat. Audryna and Chanthira gift Narisa a new camera lens that she want it and Arjun and Noel bought a new playstation for Naris.


Few days later, Narisa decided to go to the café for part time. She want to work at bakery because she want to eat a lot of cakes and buns. Arjun bring Narisa to the café and introduced her to his café employee "morning guys" greet Arjun with smile when he open the café door. All the staff look at Arjun and greet him with smile too "good morning boss" they say.

They see that there's a girl walk behind their boss and one of the staff ask Arjun "boss, who is that girl standing next to you?" Arjun smile. He out his arm on Narisa shoulder and introduce her "this is Narisa, she is our new part time staff and she just graduated and she also my oldest daughter". The staff all surprised to hear that and smile "so, is she work here as waiter?" "no, she will work at bakery and i just stop by to introduce her to all of you" explain Arjun.

Narisa smile "hai everyone, my name is Narisa i look forward working with all of you" say Narisa. The staff claos their hands and smile brightly "welcome Narisa, nice to meet you" say one of the staffs. Arjun is happy to see his staff and his daughter "please teach her everything that she need to know and you can be strict with if she do something wrong" the staffs nodded their head.

After that, they go to the next store which is bakery. When they open the door Chanthira is in the kitchen "oh?, you early" "where's Ryna?" ask Arjun "she's at the back with other staff to pick some ingredients". Narisa is in awe when she see the kitchen of the bakery. When they first open the door
The smell of baking and sweetness goes straight into her nose. At that time, Audryna come out from the back store and see her daughter there.

She smile brightly and hug her daughter "you early sweetie, it's okay i will introduce you to the staffs". Arjun and Narisa wait at the front and Audryna come out with her staff "okay guys, i want to introduce you to our new part time, her name is Narisa and she is my daughter" Audryna briefly introduce Narisa to her staff.  The staff smile "welcome Narisa" they say "she will work in the front first before go in the kitchen" "please teach her everything she needs to know and just scold her is she did something wrong".

The staff nodded thier head "alright, you can go back inside and prepare for today". All of the staff if back insiee and left Arjun, Narisa and Audryna "so Narisa, today you will be pair with our cashier and you van learn everything about the baker with her" Narisa nod her head. Audryna call her staff "Demi, you will be in charge of teach Narisa about the bakery and all of our menu".

Demi nod her head and smile at Narisa "you can go with her now and don't forget to wash your and wear apron too" "okay, Ma'am" say Narisa. Arjun look at Audryna and laugh "you seriously cut off our daughter like that?" "of course, this is our work place and i can't let the personal life involve in business". Arjun agreed with what Audryna just said "you should at least let her know about it first, she must be surprise by your sudden changes".

Chanthira come out and take a seat "that's true, be professional is important but you have to let her know beforehand first and today is her first day babe" Chanthira hold Audryna hand "okay, i will talk to her later and now you should go back because it's our busy timw for preparation" say Audryna to Arjun.

Arjun get up "i know, no need to remind me and please take care of my baby girl" "mmm, don't worry about it". Arjun go back to his café, Audryna and Chanthira go back in the kitchen to start bake the buns.

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