Part 14

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After the dinner events ended, all of our friends go back to our house for stay over here for a few days or a week as we plan. We stay at rainbow house and both of our parents will stay at green house. When we already there, me and Aydin do a house tour and show them their rooms.

"oh my goodness, this is your house?" ask Hans. Their jaw dropped to see a big house that have a pool in the middle and there's a corridor to cross over both house. They come out from the car and look around the big house "let me introduce our house, this is our rainbow house and this is our green house" "the rainbow house is my parents house, my mom is interior designer so that's why in this house we have so many colours" explain Aydin.

We walk around the house and go to the backyard "this is our backyard, as you can see the pool is in the middle and the next side is green house" "green house is my parents house, we plant a lot of vegetables and flowers too" explain Nalin. I take a lead for the green house tour "garage is down here for both house and this is our BBQ spot and mostly the planting is my daddy hoby and he designed our house too".

The girls keep on saying 'wow, woah, ohhh, beautiful and amazing'. As we finished do the house tour for both house we go back to rainbow house "so, do you have any questions?" ask Aydin. I bring out the drinks for them and serve them "only the 2 of you live in this big house?" ask Aries "no, our brothers and sister is still studying and they will graduate next year" say Aydin. Hans put her hand up "so, for this whole week we will be staying here with your parents?".

"no, you guys stay with us and our parents will stay at the next house" "how many people in the room?" ask Sienna "2 or 3 each room and me and Nalin will stay in the same room". They started to be noisy "ouhhh.....". Aydin already loss of words, i take care of it "we stay in the same room with Hans and separate bed okay" i explain more "Maeve, and Navin same room and the rest of you in the same room".

"Are you okay with that? If there's anything you want to change or need feel free to ask us" say Aydin "we all okay with it and let's go see our room" say Faith. They all take their luggage with them "for the whole week, we will using these room here and you can choose which one you want". Aydin bring them to the downstairs room cause the upstairs room is family only cause these all are our guest room.

They already pick their own room and started to unpack their things "Nali, can we go to the pool after this?" ask Maeve "yeah sure, be careful okay and please dry yourself before come inside" "thank you and okay i'll remember it". The girls all go to the pool and have fun while me and Aydin stay in the room "so this is what's it feels like to have friends sleep over in our house huh?" ask Aydin.

I smile "yes, it feel good and i'm happy that i can share this memories with you Dinley" "me too, we should join them" "yes, we should do that". We go out and plays with our friends and we can see our parents from the other side watching us happily with their smile.


The moment they arrived at home, the kids come out running and leave their parents outside. They look at them from behind "they must be feeling very excited about the staying over" say Noel "i know right, how come they just left us just like that" say Arjun with the sad face and that face make Noel feel so happy to tease him.

Chanthira and Audryna laughing at behind "drama, you just met your daughter and son and now their friends are here of course they only see their friends" say Audryna "that's right, i love to see them having like that cause that is our son and daughter biggest moment in their life" say Chanthira. They go inside the house and sit in the living room, they can heat their voices from the other side talking and laughing.

Noel and Arjun look at the window to see their kids "i wonder what they're doing right now" "me too, maybe we should go there and show them around here?" suggest Arjun. Audryna slap Arjun and Noel back, they both scream in pain "ouch, honey you hurt me and what was that for?" ask Noel "you both deserve it, why would you go there and join them?" "that's right, stop spying on them and please help us for the snack much better" say Chanthira.

Noel and Arjun stay away from the window and go to sink to wash their hands before helping their wife preparing the snack. Audryna and Chanthira can't help but laugh to see their husband's like that. Aren't things like this usually the mother's always do but it opposite for them. They prepare a simple snack for the children such as sandwiches and cookies.


After we all fresh up, we take our pillow together and lay down at the living room to watch some movie before sleep. When we prepare our pillow we heard a knocking sound from corridor. Aydin get up and go check out, he see papa and daddy at the door "pa, daddy, what you guys doing here?". They both smile and show Aydin the snack that they holding.

Aydin open the door and take the snack plate from them "your mothers prepare some snacks for you and your friends to enjoy to night" say Arjun "true, cause you said that you want to watch some movie right?" reply Noel "thank you for the snacks, we will enjoy it" "alright then, we will go back home" say Noel "please take care of your sister and your friends too". Aydin smile "i know, don't worry see you tomorrow".

Aydin close the door and go back to the living room "guys, we have some snacks from our parents enjoy it...." say Aydin. The girls smile and help Aydin to place the snacks before watching the movie. They spend their night watching movies and eat all the snack and fall asleep there too.

The next morning, Aydin wake up first and he look for his sister "Alin wake up, it's 7 now" whisper Aydin so that he won't wake any others girls. Nalin respond to Aydin whisper and ooen her eyes "it 7 already?" "yes, let's go" Aydin give his hand to help Nalin to get up. Aydin stroke her hair and help her to tie her hair. They both go to the next house "good morning" they both say to their parents "morning guys".

Aydin go straight to mama and mummy while Nalin go straight to papa and daddy "how are you sweetie?" ask Audryna while hug Aydin "great and we have fun last night" Chanthira smile look at her son "that's great that you have fun". Aydin see his mama he go hug her. Meanwhile Nalin hug papa "did you have fun last night?" "hmmm" "look at you, all messy" say Noel. He look at Nalin hair while she hug Arjun "please tie your hair properly dear" "mmmmm" Nalin respon sleepily.

Nalin sit next to Aydin "both of you go wash your face and eat breakfast with your friends okay?" say Chanthira "okay mama" they answer. They go back and wake up the rest of the friends and go to the next house for breakfast "good morning aunties and uncles" they greetings both of the parents and take a seat "good morning childrens, take a seat and eat" say Audryna.

All of them take a seat and start to eat "i hope you guys enjoy our simple breakfast" say Chanthira "thank you for the food" they say. Noel and Arjun come in with the drinks "who want coffee or milk you guys can take it here okay?" say Arjun "alright thank you uncle". They began to eat "thank you for having us for the weekend" say Hans "you're welcome dear" say Chanthira "actually we really want to meet Nalin's friends cause she always talk about her friends that's why we would like to invite them here" explain Audryna.

They smile "your house is so beautiful and big too" say Navin "thank you dear" say Arjun "we design and decorate it by ourselves too all of them" say Noel. "So, what's your plan after this?" ask Arjun "we will walk around the neighborhood" say Faith "that's great, you guys will love the beach at Rose Hills" say Audryna "there is a beach around here?" ask Aries "yes, we got 5 beautiful beaches around here and you guys can take a look and have fun there" say Chanthira.

They all already get excited for the beaches, after finish eat they clean their own dishes and get ready to walk around the Rose Hills neighborhood "thank you for the food" say Sienna.

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