Chapter 90

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I can't stop smiling, the edges of my lips feel like they're breaking. But I can't help it.

A light that had dimmed around me is now everywhere.

I'm so excited to start my lessons of piano!

Or rather - piano lessons!

After a few more dance classes, sweating my brains out as usual, shirt sticking to me despite it being absolutely freezing outside, the teacher and I then talked.

He pulled me aside after class one day and he told me when he was available and I couldn't help but agree to not only one time slot but all of them. So, I'll be doing it more than once a week!




I know this is weird but I just can't help but jump up and down each time I think of this. Each time I think of that piano and even just touching it. It just sends a thrill down my toes.

I can't wait to play the piano with the sun shining through the room.

I think about the feeling of the sun hitting off the piano and reflecting into me as I wake up, eat my breakfast and walk to school.

The thought of the sun lighting me up as I play the piano keeps me warm in the cold morning walks. The snow not interrupting me, the numb feeling not fazing me, instead all it's doing is contributing to the beautiful feeling of this happiness. Happiness? Is that right?

Yes it is!

I know, it's weird to think of myself as happy after all that's happened, but, I'm finding this new found peace and discovery in myself that I never thought would be possible. I never thought that finding myself would be fun, fulfilling and make me feel oh so happy!

I sigh, breathing in the fresh air that hits like a soft wave.

Then, just as fast as the brisk walk began, the sun that peeked from the trees disappear as I enter the school.

Cold prickling my skin now as I sit at my desk despite the heaters being used in March.


Why am I cold inside where it's warm and hot outside where it's cold?

But, I don't think much of it as I take a deep breath in and send a little prayer for a good day.

It's Friday, so I'll be leaving school right as the bell rings to then go to my dance class that'll follow my piano class.

I usually leave earlier than I'm supposed to so I can get there. You'd think people would notice, but nobody gives a crap about the upperclassmen, let's be honest though, they don't care much about the freshmen either.

Which is fine by me, at least I get to leave unnoticed!

Sitting on my desk, barely able to concentrate as I watch the clock tick away, I can't help but smile each time I jolt up at the thought of playing the piano soon.

The teachers come and go as classes switch to the next period to the next and next and next.

Each time, I sit down at a desk, a new classroom routine yet all the same for I can't concentrate.

I guess it's true, some habits are hard to break. Or is it - they die hard?

Maybe I should pay more attention in school and then I'll know the saying.

No, I honestly doubt that.


The remainder of the period, I zone out and watch the brown circle clock that sits on top of the whiteboard.

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