[chapter seventy four] crazy in love

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Aires didn't know how to feel about any of what Deaton had told her. She was pissed, a little shocked, but most of all not very surprised. Valack had said that she brought the dread doctors back to Beacon Hills, they were in town because of her.

The only question she had left was how exactly did they plan on resurrecting Amalie?

The second Aires stepped out of the door, Stiles jumped out of his seat with a deep frown etched into his face. "Aires." He whispered. "Can we please talk?"



The way he looked at her reminded her of the boy she once knew, of the Stiles she was once friends with. And whilst she hated him and felt nothing towards him at all, she was also curious what he had to say.

"Two minutes." She muttered blankly before turning to Blake. "Come out in two minutes." She muttered before turning on her heel and walking out the building.


"The only reason I'm speaking to you is for the sake of what used to be our friendship, don't get confused by thinking I will accept whatever bullshit you stir up."


With narrowed eyes, Aires crossed her arms over her chest whilst leaning against Blakes motorcycle- well, more like the motorcycle she and Blake had stolen when they decided to ditch the car on the way back from New Orleans.

"Why did you do it?" Aires asked blankly, in a scarily evenly controlled tone.

"I lost you." Stiles whispered, making the girl roll her eyes in annoyance. "I had hoped at first- hope that we would find a way to get you back. But then the night you set Scott's house on fire, I lost complete hope. I didn't think we would ever get you back, it felt like you died that night. That was the night we all accepted that you were gone, that we weren't going to get you back. And honestly, I didn't want to get you back because I knew that if we did, you wouldn't be able to live with yourself, with the guilt of everything you did."

"You're right." Aires snapped. "I can't live with everything I did. But I was trying, trying to live without letting it all ruin me."

"I know." Stiles choked out in a pained whisper.

"Tell me the rest of the story."

Tears burned in his eyes as he slowly shook his head. "Ree-"

"Tell me."

"We all went through hell that night, we all lost you- I lost everything. I didn't know how to deal with what had happened. And after the society was destroyed, I got you back for minutes before you left with Chris. You left- you just left!"

What the fuck.

"I needed to leave." She hissed through clenched teeth.

"And I needed you, but you didn't need me. That's why I let you go. because I knew you needed to leave, but I had to stay. After everything that happened - I felt like I was dying- I was dying. I needed the pain to stop, for everything to stop. Seeing you the way you were- i was traumatised, we all were. And I know that's not an excuse, but it's a reason. I was traumatised- Malia was there. I don't know how it happened, I don't know why, but it did. We were both drunk, both grieving. It happened, and it was the worst mistake I have ever made."

"So why did you continue to sleep with her?" Staring at the broken boy in front of her, a part of Aires wished she could feel something, something over then the nothingness that she was feeling- she wanted a reminder that she loved the boy in front of her. But she felt nothing. Nothing at all.

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