[chapter twenty nine] I am not trapped, I am not trapped, I am not trapped

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'✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

"Little Tate Hale, oh how I didn't expect to ever see your pretty face in this building again. To what do I owe the pleasure."

With her hands balled into fists by her sides, Aires eyes narrowed murderously at the orderly in front of her. The same one that had taken her down to Valacks torture chamber day after day, the same one that used to take pleasure in seeing her weak.

If looks could kill, he would've been brutally murdered.

"We want to go into the file room, there's a document I need. And I know you're not above a sly cash in hand deal." The Hale hissed through clenched teeth.

She wanted nothing more than to jump across the table and rip him apart, however, she forced her violent thoughts to the side. They were there on business, the quicker her and Lydia could get out, the better.

"The file room, hm." He hummed, as if he was deliberating the request even though they all knew he would take it. "Okay. Name your price."

A small smirk curled on Aires lips as she dropped a pile of cash onto the desk. While Peter may have had his money stolen, Aires still had all of hers. She protected her possessions, it was one of her strengths, and one of Peter's weaknesses. That was the difference between the two, she was smart and he was sloppy. Derek was rational, he didn't think. However, he would protect something he cared about with his life. The Hales all worked in weird and different ways.

"Five thousand is there."

It was a lot of money, more than the girl was willing to pay. However, she bit her tongue and forced herself to deliver her words in a clam and even tone. The last thing they all needed was for her to lose it inside the building.

"Well." Brunsky hummed with a sick smile on his lips. "If you have that kinda money to throw around then I'm sure you can cover your friend's medical bill."

The blood in Aires veins went cold as the colour drained from her face. "What did you say?" She breathed out in a low, dangerous tone.

"Well, you're throwing money about when daddy Stilinski can barely cover the weekly payment."

She knew Stiles and Noah were having a slight money problem, however, she didn't know how bad it was. Guilt pierced her chest as she balled her fists, squeezing her hands unbearably tight. She had let out Void, she was the reason Allison, Aiden and everyone died. She had the blood on her hands.

And she was also the reason Stiles had to go to Eichen House in the first place, the reason Noah was now in crippling debt.

"The. Keys. Now."

There was nothing left she could say, if she had to stare at him any longer she was sure she would end up wrapping her hands around his neck and choking the life out of him.

Don't snap.

Don't snap.

Don't snap.

"Fine." Brunksy shot back before dropping the cold set of keys into the palm of the girl's hand.

Without wasting another second, Aires grabbed Lydia's hand and stormed out of Brunsky's office. A soft shiver fell from her lips as the door slamming echoed through the long empty hallway. She had heard that sound many times before, too many times.

You're okay.

You're not trapped here.

'✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

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