[chapter nine] blissful heaven with a hint of hell

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The car ride home from the school was eerily quiet. Isaac sat in the back with his head resting against the window and a book in hand, drifting into his own fictional world. A smile lit up on Aires lips as she watched the boy through the mirror, he looked more at peace than ever before.

They had both gotten away from their abusive fathers/stepfathers. They were both free and safe. And they had made it out alive together.

"How was your day?" Chris asked, breaking the girl out of her thoughts.

"It was okay." She mumbled back with a wave of her hand whilst the other toyed with a strand of her hair.

"And your classes?"

"They were okay."

Such a generic answer, yet not an unusual one. If she didn't reply with 'fine' then it was 'okay'. Nothing less and nothing more.

"So you're not too behind?"

Lightly, Aires lips lifted as she lightly shook her head. "No, Chris. I am not behind. I still have solid A stars in almost all my subjects, the rest are A pluses. I know all the material for all my subjects so if anything, attending classes is just repeating what I already know."

School had always came easy to the Hale, even with the chaos in her life she still somehow managed to remain the top of her class along with Lydia, though she tended to drift towards different subjects. Science and maths, were more up her alley. Whereas Lydia drifted towards, literature, arts and history. 

"But, I am picking up ballet again." She mumbled with an assured nod.

After months of avoiding the sport, Aires had finally decided to return to what she once loved the most. Her addiction had taken so much from her, it stopped her from doing so much. And whilst she was recovering, she wanted to try and take back the things it stole.

Starting with her favourite sport.

"I'm so very proud of you sweetheart. Do you want to stop at the gas station to get chocolate?"

Slowly, Aires' smile started to fall as Chris's words replayed in her head, over and over again, like a broken record. Chocolate used to be their tradition before Allison died.

"Slushies and chocolate?" An excited Allison asked as she bounced around in the driver's seat, unable to contain her excitement.

"Sure." Aires grumbled back whilst rubbing at her forehead. "I swear, Aiden has given me the biggest fucking headache on earth."

"And that is why we are buying chocolate! That's the cure to everything!"

"WRONG. It's strawberries and chocolate." Aires shot back, a playful smirk on her lips.

"And I would cover all the strawberries in the world with chocolate just for you."

Once again, Aires had drifted to a different place. Her mind had left her body, leaving her floating in a darkness she always seemed to find herself trapped in. Everything felt far away, too out of touch. 


Chris's voice brought a startled gasp from Aires lips as she snapped herself back into reality. One where she wasn't with Allison. Back to the one when where Allison wasn't alive.


"I'm not hungry or thirsty." She snapped, turning closed off again. 

"Your birthday is soon." The reminder of the day of her birth sent shivers down her spine. She used to love birthdays, now she couldn't think of anything worse. "Its your seventeenth, your dancing queen era."

shattered soul [teen wolf]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang