[chapter seventy three] the myth, the ghost, the ledgend

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Aires pov...

Walking into the clinic, a hint of a smirk rested on my lips. With the necklace resting around my neck, I had never felt better. For the first time in months, I finally felt like Aires Hale, The Eve Witch. I finally felt as if I was living up to the legend, the myth, the rumours.

With the necklace resting around my neck, I didn't feel mentally unstable- though I was very, at the end I was still a spiralling mess and a drug addict- but in that moment I felt strong. I felt like the Aires Hale that everyone had been talking about.

I was feeling nothing, and the darkness all at once.

"Aires." The second I walked past the door, Stiles jumped out of his seat with wide eyes.

I had expected the rage I had felt at him the past week to resurface, I expected the hatred to return, I expected to feel something. But staring at the boy who broke the last of my soul, I felt nothing.

"Aires." Blake whispered in my ear, reminding me that I was staring blankly at Stiles.

Blakes hand brushed against my back as he walked me further into the room, and I watched with a small smirk as Stiles' eyes darkened at the movement. He was simmering in rage, and I was revelling in watching him.

Karma truly was a bitch.

I hadn't had drugs in days, and for days I had felt an uncontrollable rage. I needed them soon, preferably before I lost my shit. But seeing Stiles and Malia sat closely side by side, and seeing Stiles eyes tracking me, hurt in them, I had suddenly forgotten all about the burning need for pills.

"Aires." Deaton nodded in greeting.


"How much have you been caught up on?"

"Corey and Hayden are gone, someones stealing the bodies." That was all Blake had gotten from Isaac before I had kidnapped him.

"Parrish." Stiles interrupted, forcing my bored eyes onto his. "Parrish is stealing the bodies."

"Where were you?" Isaac suddenly demanded, making me roll my eyes.

"What?" I huffed out.

"Where were you?" He repeated calmly. "You went missing and then so did Blake hours later. Three days later and here you are. Where were you?"

Good god, what was with people? Did everyone have to know everything? "I wasn't missing, I had business to take care of and where I was, isnt any of your business. If I wanted to tell you, I would have. You don't need to know everything, Isaac- sometimes being left in the dark is better."

From the shiver that shot through Isaacs body at my words, I could tell I was having a chilling effect on everyone.

I was spiralling from the insanity that the voices in my head were causing, consumed with dark magic, and fueled by my burning need for drugs all at once. I was constantly jumping between all three states, and whilst it scared the hell out of me, I could tell it was scaring the hell out of everyone else.

Last time they saw me I was losing my shit, and suddenly I was standing with a smirk on my lips and shooting back snarky remarks. I was confusing them, and honestly, I was confusing myself.

"So you know everything?" Deaton questioned, a hint of a frown on his face.

"Most of it." I shot back with a shrug.

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