[chapter sixty four] run, run, run

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Aires pov...

With every step I took closer towards the closed unit gate, I felt my throat closing up, my hands began to tremble, I felt my soul shatter all over again.

A choking gasp fell from my lips as my eyes locked onto the room on the other side of the gate, the room that sat at the very end of the hallway. I used to think they put the room there on purpose, to taunt the person inside of it with the view of the gate, the way out. To taunt them with the knowledge that an escape was right in front of them, but no matter how hard they would try, they couldn't get out.

"Aires." Stiles muttered from beside me, snapping me back into reality and into the realisation that I had stopped moving.

"That was the room I had when I was eight- the first time I was sent to Eichen House." I mumbled, my eyes still locked onto the room.

"The- the one with chains attached to the walls?" Scott questioned, and for a second, I could have sworn I detected a hint of guilt in his voice.

"Yes, Scott." I muttered in a low, lifeless whisper. "The one with the chains attached to the walls."

Without saying another word, I pushed open the gate and stepped inside. A haunting chill raced up my spine at the sound of the gate clicking behind me, sealing me inside the place that forever haunted my life.

Suddenly, a hand intertwined with mine and I snapped my head up to see Stiles stood beside me, a sad smile on his face. "Did you think I'd let you do this by yourself?"

A smile broke out on my lips before my hand flew to Stiles' neck and pulled his face closer to mine, allowing me to crash my lips onto his. It was probably stupid, and very reckless. However, in that moment, I didn't care about the consequences of the kiss.

When my lips touched his, something inside me ignited, threatening to shatter the wall that held back every emotion inside of me. As I pulled away, a soft sigh escaped my lips. His touch had done something to me, it had put back together something.

With a smile on his face, his free hand tangled itself in my hair as he stared at me with his honey brown eyes, saying what he couldn't say out loud.

I love you.

"Come on." He whispered before tugging on my hand and leading me further into the closed unit.

With every cell we passed, the sickening sensation in my chest blossomed. With every step I took, I felt as if I was walking closer and closer to my death.

"Aires Hale." The second the sickening sound of his voice touched my ears, a chill ripped through my body, making my soul shiver. "I never thought I would see you again."

"Same here." I shot back with a snarl. "Though it's oddly comforting to see how you ended up, to see you being the one behind bars."

"We're both behind bars, Aires. Who's to say you're not trapped on your side of them."

I wanted to rip his heart out of his chest, to watch the life leave his eyes.

Only he terrified me, he was the only one alive with the voice and ability to flood my veins with fear, to paralyse me in it.

"I assume you're here because of the book, did you bring it?"

"Yes." I hissed through clenched teeth.

"Have you read it?"


"You should, I wrote it. I think you'll find the contents of it- interesting. Maybe if you read it you would guess that it isn't just a book."

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