[chapter seventy one] the sickening thirst

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"Thank fuck your here." Blake muttered before dragging Isaac into the Hale house and slamming the door behind him.

Without a second thought, Isaac grabbed Blakes shirt and threw him against the wall, murder swimming in his eyes. "Where is she?" He screamed. "What the fuck did you do?"

"I didn't do anything." Blake hissed before throwing Isaac off of him with a snarl. "I called you here because you are the only person I think she will speak to. I've tried to help her but I don't know how. I don't know what's going on but it's bad. And its fucking terrifying. In the last twenty four hours she's tried to kill herself by drowning herself, -even though she denies it- and she almost killed me."

Silence echoed in the air as Isaac stared back at him in disbelief, unable to accept let alone comprehend the words that had left Blakes lips.

"Somethings in her fucking head." Blake seethed with narrowed, murderous eyes. And it's making her- it's making her lose her mind."

Without another word, Isaac silently followed Blake through the house, glancing at every knife mark across the wall and every fresh splatter of crimson red painted on it. He didn't need to ask to know that the scene he was glancing at had been what Blake had been referring to. He didn't need to ask to know just how bad the situation must have been. With every step he took, he could feel his heart sinking further and further into his stomach.

"Last night..." Blake suddenly muttered, stopping Isaac on the stairs and staring down at him with an expression horrifying enough to send shivers down the Lahey's spine. "Last night she tried to kill me, and when she tried to kill me, I yelled her name and she said 'Aires isn't here right now.'"

"Oh my god." The boy choked out in disbelief as he ran his hand down his face in horror.

"And when I asked her who I was speaking to, she said 'I'm going to find the balance, and when I do it will be perfect. When I find it, Beacon Hills will no longer exist.' What the fuck is this? What is this 'balance?'"

"I don't know- I don't have a goddamn clue. Somethings in the air in this fucked up town-"

"What do you mean?" Blake suddenly snapped before grabbing Isaac by the shirt and tightening the material in his fists. "What's in the air- what the hell do you mean by that."

"Calm down.'' Isaac hissed before shoving the boy off of him. "I don't understand your friendship with Aires, okay- I don't get it. But from the way your acting right now, I know that you care for her."

Blake didn't need to say anything, the way he felt about Aires was written all across his face.

Their friendship was something that just seemed to happen and yet nobody understood how. They were the type of friends who would bury a body for the other, the type to keep secrets to protect the other, the type to burn down the world if it meant saving the other.

It was a friendship where both would die for each other in a heartbeat- they had known each other for barely a few months and yet the bond they had forged would make any think their souls had been intertwined for centuries.

"I get you to care about her, Blake, but you need to calm down and get your shit together. Stop freaking yourself out because you're only going to freak her out. Anyway, as I was saying, there's something off in the air. There were two more chimaeras made in the last week. Corey and Hayden- since they were created there has been complete and utter fucking chaos."

"Like?" Blake snapped irritatedly.

"Liam was kidnapped, both chimaeras are gone. Parish is stealing the bodies of said dead chimaeras, nobody knows where he's taking them. Scott has lost his mind, he's become unbearable and obsessive, almost killing other people to try and figure this out. Kira- lord knows what the hell is going on with her. Stiles and Theo almost died and nobody has heard from Lydia since last night. She went all weird, and then ran out of Deatons. She's not at home. She's not at school. She's nowhere. None of this makes any sense. And to top it off, Aires is going crazy."

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