[chapter fifty seven] to sacrifice it all

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'✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

"It's been two months, guys. Two months." Stiles mumbled with a slow shake of his head. "TWO FREAKING MONTHS-"

"Stiles." Chris snapped icily. "Stop."

"Two months- and she is still missing!"

"Have you checked New Orleans?" Isaac asked emotionlessly, though he already knew the answer.

"Yes." Chris whispered defeatedly. "And she's not there- nobody is. The Mikaelsons are gone and have been much longer than Aires has been missing. She's not in New Orleans, she's not in New York, she's not in France, and she isnt in Mexico. This isn't like what happened with Mexico, she wasn't kidnapped from her bedroom. Noah knows but he and Parrish are the only cops we are telling." With a scowl on his face, Chris shot a cold glare at Scott, challenging him with his eyes. "You got that? No telling the cops."

"Fine by me." Scott snapped bluntly.

"We are going to find Aires, whether that's in two days or two weeks we will find her."

"What if something else has happened?" Lydia suddenly whispered, snapping everyone's attention to her. "What if she left but something else has happened, something that's causing her not to come home. What if she can't be found?"

'✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

Aires pov...

I was sure that I was dead, but as my heavy eyes slowly fluttered open, I knew that I had not been granted the gift of death.

I was still alive, much to my disappointment.

A sudden scream echoed through my mind, bringing a gasp from my lips as a strong sensation ripped my chest in half. The weight of chains cocooning my body was the painful reminder of what had happened, of where I was.

The catacombs.

The place where Klaus brought his enemies to suffer, the place that could drive any person insane, the place that would forever haunt one's soul. I used to play in them as a child, when I didn't know any better. I used to walk down the hallways, curious as to where the screams were coming from.

The screams were trapped inside the wall, consuming the air of the catacombs. Tortuous, excruciatingly painful screams, along with the dark magic that haunted the tunnels.

Ester had made the catacombs, it was her dark magic that had been placed into the walls- the dark magic that was slowly draining the life of me. Slowly pushing me towards death doorstop. As crimson red tears dripped down my cheeks, I forced my aching body to sit up, eager to know exactly where in the tunnels I was.

From the weight of the darkness tugging at my soul, I guessed I had to be deep into the catacombs, far away from anyone who could hear my screams. The tortured screams of the past haunted my ears, crushing down on me minute by minute.

This was how I would be tortured.

Ever so slowly the dark magic around me would break my soul, until eventually, I would let it consume me- or kill me.

Either way, I wasn't getting out of the situation with my soul intact- it would have to be sacrificed.

"Aires." Blake whispered slowly before quickly scotting over to me, dragging the cains behind him as he took my face into his hands.

I didn't have the energy to recoil from his touch, I didn't have any energy at all. "Blake." I shot back. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Five days, though how I don't know. I was sure you wouldn't wake up for months- let alone wake up alive."

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