[chapter fifty six] thirteen days

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Present day.

"Thirteen days." Stiles muttered in a low, defeated voice. "Aires has been missing for thirteen days."

"I know." Isaac snapped icily. "I know."

A scoff fell from Stiles lips as he frustratedly shook his head. "And you have nothing?" He whispered in disbelief. "Not a clue about where she might be?"

"She disappeared without a trace." Isaac hissed whilst getting in the boy's face. "If I can't find her, it's because she doesn't want to be found."

"That's a load of crap." Stiles snapped before shoving the Lahey away from him. "She wouldn't have left without telling anyone-"

"She's not the only one missing." Someone suddenly muttered in a trembly whisper.

Slowly, Avory Grey emerged from the door frame, a frown on her face with Theo tucked by her side.

"I thought it might be connected." Theo mumbled with a shrug whilst looking at Scott, knowing that the McCall would be the one to allow Theo into the room.

"What might?" Stiles snapped whilst pushing himself off of the wall, his body tensed as he narrowed his eyes on Theo.

"Blake is missing as well." Theo snapped with narrowed eyes, as if it was obvious as to the group.


"Who the fuck is Blake?"

"He's my brother." Avory whispered with a shake of her head. "We just moved here, he's a-"

"Vampire." Theo finished.

Scott and Stiles shot each other wary glances whilst Stiles ran his fingers through his hair, unable to piece everything together. "And how the hell does that connect to Aires?" He snapped.

"They are friends." Avory shot back, silencing the group. "And he has also been missing for thirteen days."

"What?" Stiles spat, a deep scowl on his face. "They are friends? No they aren't. I don't even know who the hell this guy is-"

"Blake was late home the other day, and not late by thirty minutes, he was late by hours. I asked him where he was and he said he was hanging out with Aires."

Anger flickered in Stiles eyes as a murderous scowl twisted its way on his face. Never had he even heard of the boy and yet his ex girlfriend was friends with him. Complete and utter shock consumed him as he slowly paced the room.

But what he didn't know- what nobody knew, was that the two were not friends, they weren't even close tot it. They only happened to hide a body together.

"Their friendship came as a surprise to me too." Avory muttered with big sad eyes. "She hated him the first time she met him-"

"Just because they were together doesn't mean they are friends." Stiles hissed through clenched teeth. "Maybe she had a good reason for being with him."

"Stiles." Scott whispered with a slow shake of his head.

It was obvious to everyone that Stiles was picking at loose threads, that he was trying to find a way to connect the two that didn't end with the conclusion that they could possibly be friends.

Everyone in the room had drawn up a conclusion, that Aires had moved onto Blake. However, they couldn't have been further from the truth. They didn't know that what connected the two was far more complex, that it was beyond anything they could possibly imagine.

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