Gohan's Mission

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The three-eyed warrior flew into the air with a roundhouse, then turned around again to deliver a punt straight into Super No. 8's abdomen, stunning Super No. 8 some more and making it blank out. With the Super Artificial Human soaring into the lower layers of the atmosphere, Tenshinhan hurled right at him with his bald head slamming into Super No. 8's back and bending the body of the Super Android backward. Another roundhouse and a flurry of snake-style jabs later, Tenshinhan rolled through the skies to finish it with a volleyball-style slam that sent Super No. 8 crashing down straight into the flashy casino's parking lot.

"Amazing, master!" the students howled, cheering for their mentor. "You did away with that monster like nobody's business!"

"Of course, Chayote never intended for these lowlifes to challenge us. All she wanted was for them to get in our way. To hold us off long enough..." Tenshinhan seethed by grinding his teeth and looking down at the fiery and dusty chaos down below where Super Artificial Human No. 8 left a terrible crater and caused a near asteroid-like crash that turned the flamboyant and elitist evening of gambling into an apocalyptic nightmare for the locals.

"You've dispatched of that monster, master, let's go!" someone from amongst the students hurried Tenshinhan to keep heading toward Chayote's location.

"No, this Super Android is far from done, he'll catch up to us and keep getting in our way. It's for the best that we put the beating on him and give him Baby-sama's flesh to help us. Then, we can have this abomination eat Chayote's son in front of her while the others hold her down. It sounds horrible, but it's the only language those savage Saiyans understand," Tenshinhan's glare focused on the flattened Super Android as he plunged down, ready to put his hands on his stunned opponent.

The martial artist monks nodded in approval, plunging down and positioning themselves over the fallen Super No. 8 with their hands aiming down and expelled a storm of Ki blasts, homing in on the gentle giant. Clamoring with righteous fury, Super Artificial Human No. 8 powered through, brushing the hail of Ki blasts aside before doing away with a few more fighters with careless backhanded strikes or vicious headbutts. Tenshinhan had trained them well enough to take one or a few blows without immediately exploding into a bloody mush. Of that Super No. 8 felt grateful, since he'd have hated to have the deaths of these young men on his consciousness, even if they were looking to hurt him.

"Please, Tenshinhan-san, you're sick. Stand down and wait for Chayote to make you get better. I don't want to fight you!" Super Artificial Human No. 8 pleaded with the martial arts master who positioned himself in between his students.

"That's okay, you can just take the beating and accept Baby-sama's gift then," Tenshinhan mocked the pacifistic views of his opponent before diving in through the thick ranks of his students and slamming a vicious ax-hand chop straight into Super No. 8's forehead that flattened him onto the bustling desert city street again.

Putting his arms in a cross-chop position, Tenshinhan soared in like a human missile just as Super No. 8 was rising off the ground and wiping the slobber off his lip. Super Artificial Human No. 8 toughened his entire body, stretching his arms to the sides and bulking up, and let Tenshinhan collide with him. Tenshinhan's body flickered with a flaming aura while red vapor pumped through from his mouth and nose as the Red-Hot martial artist powered through and flattened the Super Android again.

Taking off into the air, farther than the human eye could see him, Tenshinhan flipped over his front and plunged down to crash into the ground where Super Artificial Human No. 8 had fallen with his knee. With the air of this knee uppercut, Tenshinhan drove his knees into the cumbersome body of his artificial opponent and left him whited out on the ground, sprawled and nigh-lifeless. A splurge of metallic, reflective substance made its way from the eyelid surrounding Tenshinhan's third eye, expanding into a metallic membrane that wrapped around the fallen Artificial Human and founds its way through a few bruises he took from the vicious beating, seeping its way into the system of the Artificial Human.

Super Dragon Ball: Paradise HysteriaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora