Chapter 40 | Saved Me

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I can't believe this

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I can't believe this. I ruined everything. Every fucking  thing.

And now I lost the love of my life. I fucking ruined every fucking thing. I'm an asshole son of a bitch.

Why did I told her that?

I shouldn't have. But something was actually telling me to say it. Plus I couldn't keep this secret from her. I had to tell her sooner or later.

But why? Why did it had to be her mother?

Fuck. I hate myself so much.

What will I do without Evangeline Kay? The girl who made me realise what I'm living for. The girl that changed my life completely. The girl that made me happy. More than happy.

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.

What did I just do?

I need to find her, need.

I slam our room door open and go downstairs to the lobby.

I can feel my blood boil, but not because I'm angry at her. She has all rights to be angry at me.

Is just the fact that if something bad happened to her I would never forgive myself.

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck

I make a move to pass the moving doors but then someone tugs on my arm.

I turn around fast and angry, I'll kill this perso- "Dax what the hell?!" Duri looks at me confused and with widen eyes.

"Its Evangeline, we got into a fight and I- I don't know where she could be or even if she's okay and-" "Hey men, we'll find her, She's smart. She wouldn't do anything stupid trust me." I breathe heavily trying to think of anything.

I wanna cry. And I've never in my whole entire fucking life ever cried. But Evangeline might be missing and I can't get over the fact that it's all my fault.

Okay, calm down, we'll find her.

I tell myself over and over again, but it won't help if I can't find her.

Angel please come back to me...

I kick a green bin and the trash falls to the ground. Shit.

I put my hand in my face. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Please come back to me...


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