Chapter 27 | Fucked Up

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Angel has been treating me really

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Angel has been treating me really... really 'badly' let's say.

What the hell happened to her?

Did I do something wrong?

If I did something wrong She needs to know that I didn't mean it.

She's probably in a bad day or something. Im just gonna leave her alone for some time and see if  she's just moody.

At the moment we are all seated in the table where we always sit when we come to the buffet.

We hadn't talked much, Me and Evangeline. We were just listening to what Sage was babbling about.

But we were also acting like a couple. I was with my hand in both of her shoulders while smiling at her and kissing her temple.

She also smiled at me. But it wasn't her normal smile, the one that brightens everyone's day. She gave me a sad smile, and that was when I noticed that she was not alright.

I don't want my girl to feel sad. Never.

I kept kissing her temple giving her hugs trying to make her happy. And trust me, I'm not the kind of a guy which hugs and kisses girls. No. That's totally not me.

But if my girl is sad, my girl, then I'll do my best to make her happy.

"Guys did you know that that yesterday when the fire alarm went off it was just an accident?" Sage says in a low tone with a smile on her face. Probably happy that it wasn't a real one and that no one could have gotten hurt.

"Really!?" Evangeline's voice appears softly, and a smile appears on her face.

"Yep, I read the news yesterday, no one got hurt." She continues smiling and I hear my girl chuckling.

"That's great!" Her smile grows even bigger.

Now I guess she's already... happy?

But I still feel like there is something wrong...

"Are you guys coming to the pool?" Sage asks. "Yeah," We both respond at the same time. "Good." Sage smiles.

We finish eating our food and talked a bit more.

There is something I realised.

Evangeline was still with the smile on her face. Even when she looked at me.

But when she looked at me, I could kinda feel that she wasn't really well.

I know this sounds stupid but now I know she's angry, Or sad.

But none of them are good. None.

We all go to the pool and find a spot with for chairs. Sage and Duri were already in the pool. Kissing and being in love.

My Angel was next to me, reading her book, not making one sound.

I should talk to her, I really should, but... how?

"Do you want me to put sunscreen on you?" Not a really good question to ask. Dammit.

She lowers her book down and still not one glint of a smile in her face. "No thank you, Sage already putted on me." She grabs her book again and continues reading.

Yes, she's angry at me.

I hesitate and think before saying the thing that's been creeping over my mind.

"What did I do to you?" My tone came out a bit of an aggressive one.

She bites the inside of her cheek and nods in a no.

"Tell me, so I can try to be better." My tone came out better then the other time I said.

"Oh you already know," Her tone deepening.

I may know, but Im not really sure if its that.

"I don't know." My tone deeper.

"Do you know when people are like so nice and treating you like an Angel and the right after they treat you like shit." Yeah, that was an indirect.

"And sometimes you don't even know if that person actually 'wants' you, and it's just confusing and annoying that this person keeps changing all the freaking time."

She's right.

Ive also been feeling like this.

And I didn't even noticed that I was hurting the person that matter the most to me.


"Im sorry." I whisper, still not looking at her face.

She doesn't answer. She doesn't look at me.

She just puts her book in her back, stands up and walks towards the pool.

Leaving me there, staring at her ass.

I did fucked up. I really did.



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