Chapter 28 | Not Fake Anymore

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He got my message

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He got my message.

He knows I'm angry at him. Good.

I guess I didn't even need to give him three days for him to realise this.

He knows I feel something for him. And I know he feels something for me.

But he really need to stop catching his mood all the fucking time.

I want him.

But why does he has to be like this?

I understand that sometimes and some days the person can be in a bad mood.

But he's always changing.

And I feel like he is just taking advantage of me. Like if he wants me to fall in love with but right after breaks my heart.

Come on dude you need to fucking decide that.

I walk over to the pool and edge of the pool with my feet on the cold water.

Sage spots me and she makes a: 'Whats wrong?' face.

Is it that obvious that I'm sad?

She whispers something to Duri and Duri gets out of the water, walking towards Daxon while Sage comes swimming to me.

"Tell me. Now." Her dark side is awoken.

"He's just bring an asshole. Sometimes he can be so nice and he treats me like a queen, but then, he treats me so fucking bad, like if I'm absolutely nothing." Sage frowns.

"I know how that feels, my men is also like that, I mean, was also like that until I talked to him and he changed completely." I look at her.

"So it worked? You talking to him?" "Yes, if he really loves you he will change for you." I give her a soft sad smile.

"Now come on! Stop being such a drama queen and go talk to him!" I hesitate. "Im gonna wait a bit..." Sage sighs but then nods.

"Its your decision, Let's swim then!"

She gives me her hand but I'm too lazy to go.

And when she realises that I'm not standing up, she pulls me with all the force she has and I fall into the cold pool.

The coldness hitting my veins for not the first time.

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