Gohan and Videl Go To The Movies

Start from the beginning

"Lifelike? This movie is like 20 years old..." Videl squinted, looking at her date like he was the lamest person alive. Just as Gohan became embarrassed and began chuckling awkwardly, her expression changed to joy as she wrapped her arms around Gohan's and pressed herself closer to him. "You're so kind-hearted, even if you can be a bit of a bumbling dummy sometimes!"

"Hmm? What's wrong? There should be plenty of space on Kinto, are you cold?" Gohan looked around, trying to see if Videl wasn't in danger of slipping off and feeling her forehead up, confused why she would suddenly wrap herself around his arm like that.

"C-Cold!?" Videl let go of Gohan and moved her seething face close enough to bite him on the cheek, rip it to the sides like a cute crocodile, and never stop tearing. "Well... Maybe I'm scared too?"

"You don't look scared. You were just giving me a hard time for being so caught up in the movie's atmosphere and visuals. Honestly, sometimes I just don't get you," Gohan pouted, scratching his chin as he glared up as if Videl posed him a complicated math problem.

"Gohan!" Goku's voice made Gohan stiffen up and turn around. He had never expected his father to look for him out here. After he reached a certain age, Goku simply stopped monitoring what Gohan was doing at all times and merely suggested things to do when the two met at home. "Is this what you're wasting your time on? Some stupid moving pictures?"

"Dad? M-mom!?" Gohan gasped, realizing his parents had been hovering a fair distance above the drive-in theatre. "What are you doing here?"

"We've told you a few times already, Gohan, to stay home and train with your family. We even extended the invitation to Videl too, because clearly she means a lot to you. But all this... Ferris wheels, amusement parks, movies...?" Goku barked out with aggression that was very much unlike him. "Pointless waste of time, all of it!"

"What's going on here? You're not acting right!" Gohan stood up on the Kinto cloud, looking straight up at both of his parents while Chi-Chi moved farther away from Goku and the two straightened their backs and elevated their Ki to prepare for a fight. The last thing on Gohan's mind would have been to attack his parents, so he wouldn't make the first move, but he signed himself up for defending himself and protecting Videl if necessary, even against his own parents.

"Gohan, didn't you get your parents' permission to see this movie?" Videl looked up, still naively sitting on the magical cloud, thinking this was the issue's extent.

"I did, something's wrong here," Gohan replied with utmost seriousness. "My dad's not acting like him at all, and Mother has not said even a single word. Usually, she's the one taking initiative in the pair."

"Hey, you dumb hicks! Can you take your family drama somewhere else? We're trying to watch a movie here!" some delinquent with a sports jacket and a pompadour haircut flung a soda can halfway up to Goku's height though his voice had reached the Saiyan where his trash could not.

"Worthless Earthlings, scram," Goku extended his hand at the cinema screen and shattered it with a thunderous telekinetic pulse that made it explode from the inside. With stretched, overblown faces, the horrified moviegoers began scrambling with their hover car keys, desperate to flee the scene with their lives while they still could.

"What are you doing!?" Gohan called his father out. "My real dad would never act this way! What's going on with you two!?"

"I've gotten sick of waiting is what's going on," Goku offered his son a malevolent smirk while extending his hand and channeling a flickering Ki blast at the tip of his hand. "It makes me sick to my stomach that Baby-sama chose that asshole Vegeta over me. I intend to defeat him and make Baby-sama see that I'm the superior host. To do that, I will need backup from my precious family. I've offered you to train with me, hoping that I'd accidentally cut you open during training so that I can make you join us, but you keep turning me down and wasting time with this Earthling."

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