Chapter 70 - Ellie / Valentino

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So update on Void's stupid decisions, I decided that it would be a good idea to sew 2 of my toe's together last night while half awake and I forgot about it until I woke up this morning!

This book is almost coming to its end, less than 10 chapter to go (I think, I can't count) I'm gonna cry

I hope you enjoy this chapter, please vote and comment if you can! <3


~Ellie~ | ~6 hours later~

I slowly started to wake up, letting out a soft groan as I moved my head to the side to avoid the dim light above me. I tried moving my hands to go ahead and rub my eyes to help me wake up but I couldn't move them.

Starting to panic, I tried to open my eyes as much as I could, looking up to see my arms restrained. My breath started to get heavy as I immediately looked down at my body, seeing as I was only wearing my bra and underwear. I could see that my legs were also restrained to each corner of what looked like a bed.

'Wake up, Ellie. It's a dream, wake yourself up. You're okay, don't worry.'

Not being able to calm down, I arched my back off of the bed and pulled on the restraints again only to stop once I heard a voice speak in the corner of the room.

"That might hurt you later on, I don't recommend doing that." the voice said and I immediately knew who it was.

I looked over to the figure and saw it was Sergio, walking over to me with an unbothered expression in his face. My body immediately froze and my heart raced even more, I couldn't even tell if I was breathing or not. I had assumed this was another nightmare but it felt too real to be a nightmare.

Sergio pulled over a chair and placed it next to me, sitting down on it. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his, god this man was such a lunatic.

"No hi today or anything?" he questioned.

I didn't respond or say hi. The last thing I wanted to do was speak to him let alone see him, I was still trying to convince myself it was a nightmare but I knew it wasn't.

"That's a shame, I liked hearing your little 'hi's' and stuff." he sighed as he started caressing my head, "You know, if you don't say something eventually then I might have to force words out of you."

"W-What am I doing here.?" I asked quietly.

A small smile appeared on his face, "I'm glad you asked actually. Sorry about the rude invasion I did though, but I'm sure you didn't mind."

"Please le-let me g-go.." I pleaded, feeling a tear form in my eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll let you go. I just need a few things from you and then I'll be out your way. That is, if you're willing to cooperate with me."

I looked away from him and back down at my body, "Where a-are my clothes?"

"Folded right over there." he said as he pointed to them before looking back at me, "You won't need them."

I hesitated, "..Why.?"

He got up from his chair and let out a breath, starting to slowly walk over someplace else, "I'm sure you know how badly we want to take down Valentino, right?"

"Mhm.." I hummed.

"But unfortunately we don't have much information.. since the water didn't help me get much out of you, I'm sure this will.." he said as he picked up something.

I'm Yours, SirsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang