Chapter 11 - Valentino / Owen

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I've been stuck writing one of the chapters because I kept forgetting what I was doing and I'm FINALLY half way done with it, also another early chapter because why not!

I hope you enjoy this chapter, please vote and comment if you can! <3



I sprinted up the stairs, trying to get to Ellie as fast as I could. Hearing her small cries as she spoke just instantly broke my heart, I obviously knew something was wrong and I was hoping I would know how to help her once she told me the situation.

I got to her room and opened the door, expecting to maybe see her on her bed or something but she wasn't there.

Instead, she was in the corner of her room with her hands grabbing at her hair. She was rocking herself back and forth, sobbing and panicking as her head dropped low.

I closed the door and ran over to her, kneeling down so I could talk to her on a comfortable level, "Ellie, what's wrong? What happened?"

She stopped rocking once she heard me but her sobs just got louder, she tried to speak but she couldn't say anything more with all the crying.

"Is it okay if I gave you a hug for comfort?" I asked, knowing that some people don't want to be touched when things like this is happening.

She didn't respond with words but she responded with her actions. She let go of her hair and grabbed onto the sleeves of my shirt, pulling me over to her with the little bit of strength she had.

I reached over to her and pulled her close to me, hugging her tightly. We were both sitting on our legs, grasping at each others skin.

"Shh piccola, it's okay.." I whispered, trying to calm her down just a bit so she could at least speak and tell me what was wrong.

"I-I'm so-sorry." she said through her tears, gripping tighter onto the back of my shirt.

"What are you sorry for?" I asked, keeping her head on my chest as I stroked her hair.

"Fo-for bothering y-you." she choked out.

"Princess, you're not bothering me. I told you that if you needed anything, you press the button and tell me which is exactly what you did and I'm glad you did that."

We kept sitting and hugging like this for a few minutes until she started to calm down some. I wasn't quick to ask any questions, she had only just calmed down and the last thing she needed was to randomly be questioned by me.

I pulled away from her for just a second and stood up, bending down and picking her up. She was very light weight, almost like a feather so I didn't struggle at all to pick her up.

I walked over to her bed and placed her down comfortably in the middle of it. I sat down on the side of her bed, turning over to her.

"Valentino.?" she called out to me.

"Yes, princess?"

"T-This whole thing.. isn't a pl-plan, right?" she asked, wiping the tears off of her face.

I tilted my head in a slight bit of confusion, "What do you mean?"

"You know.. t-to make me warm up to you guys b-but then you'll all just h-hurt me once I've gained trust.."

My heart dropped at her assumption that we would hurt her once she started warming up to us. We would never do that to her, we wanted her to warm up to us so that we can show her what fun life can be with those you love sometimes.

I'm Yours, SirsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt