Chapter 43 - Ellie / Valentino

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I've been trying to make the book cover for my new story "Collateral" but I DON'T KNOW WHICH ONE TO PICK (Fun fact, I ended up making 3), tough decisions man.

I had so much fun writing this chapter honestly, I'm sure you'll see why when you read it (I didn't want to wait another day to post this)


I hope you enjoy this chapter, please vote and comment if you can! <3



3 hours had gone by so far, everyone had just been sitting and talking. Owen had turned off the toy for a bit multiple times, denying my orgasms like he was edging me the entire time. I knew this was probably going to happen but I had to live with it for now.

"We're going off track... again." Lorenzo complained for the 4th time so far, I had been counting by now.

Everyone had quite down, Alonso talking first, "Oh come on Lorenzo, it's been so long since we've all spoken like this. We can get back to business in a second."

"It's already 5 pm."

Alessandro put down his glass next to his plate, "Are you in a rush to go anywhere?"

Lorenzo gave him a death stare, taking in a deep breath before getting up from the table, "I'm going for a smoke break, enjoy yourselves." he said in a rough tone.

While the guys were whispering to each other, he stopped walking until he stood right behind me. I felt his breath close to my ear as he whispered something to me, "If it wasn't for you being here and keeping me calm just by glancing at you, I would have killed them. So thank you for staying with us, angel."

I blushed as he placed a kiss on my head and started walking away. I watched him push open the restaurant door and turn the corner while pulling out the cigarettes from his pocket.

Looking back, I saw Owen looking over at me.

"What did he say?" he asked in a whisper voice.

I shook my head, hoping the blush on my face wasn't as noticeable, "Nothing."

Owen opened his mouth to say something but closed it soon after, brushing it off. Instead, he turned the toy on again which made me squeeze onto the tablecloth out of shock. I let go of it and pretended that nothing happened. I heard a small chuckle coming from him and I only felt embarrassed but I liked it.

"So Ellie, if you don't mind me asking, how did you meet the guys?" Nico asked, cutting into his second plate of food.

"Um well.. uhh.." I stumbled over my words, not really knowing how to answer.

'How do I even explain how we first met, "oh yeah Valentino found me on the floor after I almost got attacked by some guys that bullied me for being homeless and he took me home!" because that sounds so right doesn't it?'

"We met at a store," Valentino told him, "We exchanged phone numbers and got together one night to hang out."

Technically, half of that wasn't a lie. We did first meet at a store, but the rest wasn't true. I never had a phone before so of course I couldn't exchange a number I didn't have, but for now I just needed to go along with it so they wouldn't know it was a lie.

"You go to stores? I thought you had men to do that for you, why were you there?" Alonso asked him.

"I needed some fresh air that day, it was just a small corner store nothing special. I know when I'm safe and when I'm not, don't worry." he said casually.

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