Chapter 6 - Owen

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I finally got to be alone with her. I had been wanting to be with her since I first saw her in Valentino's arms, her skin looked so soft and everything about her was just beautiful and perfect.

While she was in the shower, me and the guys were talking downstairs about a few things like the mafia business and what we were going to do with Ellie.

After about an hour into the conversation, Valentino decided that someone should go up to check on her. He wanted one of us to do it since he had already gotten his time to connect with Ellie a bit more.

Lorenzo was hesitant, he didn't like conversations with people he barely knew. He was still working on that, and don't get me wrong, he was definitely making some progress but sometimes he would just give up which I hated.

With the amount of anger that he was in at the time though, he decided that I should be the one to check up on Ellie. As soon as I heard that, I didn't hesitate to jump off the couch and head upstairs to be with her.

Now that I was up here with her, I could get a better understanding of her. I had so many questions but I wanted to take it slow so I didn't overwhelm her in any way.

As I started brushing her hair, I noticed her looking at me through the mirror in my peripheral vision.

'I love having your eyes on me like that.'

I didn't bother to look back at her, I knew that if our eyes accidentally met, she would turn away in an instant.

"Tell me something about yourself, Ellie. What do you like to do?" I tried starting a conversation to break the silence.

She hummed, taking her time to try and give me something about herself so I could get to know her better, "Uhh.. I l-like to paint a-and draw things."

"Oh really? That's pretty nice, what do you like to paint?" I asked.

"Just.. anything I see, l-like the birds and butterflies at the old garden I used to visit, s-sometimes even the people I saw walking by or buildings that c-catch my eye."

"How'd you get all the supplies for that?"

She paused for a second before answering, "My o-old friend gave them to me, he was homeless too but he made way more than I did. W-When he saw me drawing with chalk this one time, he said my art was amazing and e-even got me a drawing book."

"That's very sweet of him then, do you still talk to him?"

"No," she shook her head slightly, "He got rich and found a place to stay."

Sadness had filled her eyes, I could see it through the mirror we were in front of. It must have been hard to lose the only friend you had left, especially when you were homeless.

I decided to change the topic so she wouldn't think to much into it, "Well what else do you like to do?"

"Um well, I-I like to read. At one of my old spots, t-there was a library close by and I was normally there most of the time."

"What kind of books did you read? Mystery, horror, romance?" I asked, putting the brush down and grabbing a different hair product.

"Mostly romance.. many m-mature ones." she answered hesitantly as if I was going to judge her for it.

I could see her shoulder muscles tensing up, I knew she was filled with anxiety from not only the answer she gave me but from how I might think about her now. I didn't think any differently about her because of her own interest, I found it quite nice.

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