Chapter 1 - Ellie

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Hello everyone! I know this was like completely random timing to post this book even though I did say it was coming out soon but I already have so many chapters written down and I just couldn't wait to share this new book with you guys!

After all the support I had gotten on "My Unholy Obsession", I had gotten such more motivated to keep writing. So many things have been going on in my life, I didn't even know if I could continue writing for a while. It started becoming a comfort for me after a while which I'm incredibly happy about.

I plan on adding some more authors notes to this book just so I can attempt to interact with some of you guys if you do decide to read the book or just the notes.

‼️BEFORE YOU READ‼️: Please keep in mind I'm dyslexic, but that won't stop me from writing. Things may not make sense and I'm begging you to bare with me as this is only my second book and I'm really trying here! I don't understand how certain things work so I've just used my imagination since it's all just fiction so please don't continue reading if that annoys you.

And with that being said, I hope you enjoy the journey of this book with me <3


The streets were busy tonight, lights shining brightly from the cars to my eyes. People passed by in beautiful, rich attire, beautiful jewelry, things I could only imagine myself in one day.

But for now, I only had so little. Living on the streets with nothing but a blanket, 2 old and torn up outfits, some wipes, a small bag with tiny supplies, and a cup people would drop their money in for me.

This was my life for almost 6 years now, sometimes I forget this wasn't my original home at one point. I've been use to this for so long, it made me forget what being in a normal home with a family was like.

I sat down on top of my blanket and kept my cup in front of me, hoping to get enough money for some food today. I haven't eaten all week, my luck hasn't been the best these past 2 months.

It was rare that I would get to eat some weeks, but there were sometimes these kind people that would buy some food for me or give me their leftovers once in a while.

I held out my cup, still hoping I could get something that I could use to buy at least a snack. I just needed something to hold me for the rest of the night since it's already been a week without food.

People kept passing and passing, giving me a few dirty looks. I could only assume it could've been because of my clothing, I was wearing some old pair of shorts and a torn up light blue shirt. It wasn't the best, but I didn't have much.

I waited for about 2 hours, still in hopes that someone would be grateful enough to hand over at least a few cents, coins can still go a long way.

I use to save up all the coins I've found on the floor, it got me enough food to survive in December last year.

A woman approached me with her small child holding her hand. She reached into her bag and pulled out what looked like a dollar bill. She handed the kid money and he bent down, putting it in my cup. I looked up at them with a smile.

"Th-thank you so much." I said shyly, grateful for the money I had received.

"You're very pretty, miss!" the child exclaimed with a sparkle in his eye.

"I really appreciate that, you're a very handsome young boy," I replied, looking up at the mother of the child, "Your son is just as kind as you are."

She smiled, "You're such a sweetheart, have a good night."

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