Chapter 22 - Ellie

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I personally really enjoyed writing this chapter, it truly makes me happy for some reason and I'm glad it came out the way I wanted it too especially since I was writing this in the middle of the night

I hope you enjoy this chapter, please vote and comment if you can! <3


I had been squeezing onto Valentino's hand for the past 30-40 minutes now. The tattoo shouldn't have taken this long, but my panicking had made Luca stop several times and gave Valentino room to comfort me so we could continue. I felt bad for being such a scary-cat about a small tattoo, especially since we should've been done by now, but Luca was patient with me and so was Valentino.

"Almost done, princess. You're doing such a great job, keep squeezing on my hand." Valentino praised calmly.

'Please don't turn me on right now.'

The pain felt almost unbearable to my fragile skin. I was determined to just get this thing over with so we could finally go home. The vibrating needle dragging across my arm shot a bunch of pain through my body, how long was this going to take?

A tear had fallen down my face once again, quickly being removed by Valentino's hand. I had been squeezing my eyes closed so forcefully that it had formed tears in my eyes, but every one that fell, he took care of it.

After just a few more seconds of pain and torture, Luca finally said the words I had been dying to hear since we started.

"You're all finished, Ellie." he said, getting up from his chair and fixing up everything.

Luca took a rag and wiped away the rest of the ink that didn't need to be there. While he was doing that, I took this time to control my breathing and calm down my nerves. I hated needles with a passion, I was honestly pretty upset that this whole 'marking' thing had to be done as a tattoo but if it keeps me away from danger, I'm fine with it then.

Valentino squeezed down on my shoulder with his free hand, "You did it, good job."

'I think I prefer the doctors again, I'm never getting another tattoo.'

I opened my eyes and looked up at him, seeing him smiling down at me. He lowered himself and gave me a kiss on my forehead, instantly activating the butterflies on my stomach.

Out of curiosity, I looked down to see what the tattoo had said...

"Omertà" it read in big, bold letters stained to my wrist.

"W-What does this mean?" I asked, looking back at Valentino.

"Omertà translate to 'code of silence', that means that if you tell anyone you're in this mafia, you die. In short, you're silenced until death." he explained, putting a nervous look on my face which he noticed, "As long as you stay silent, you should be fine."

The meaning behind this tattoo was pretty horrifying to me. This was my first one ever, I didn't get to pick what it should be and this is what I now have on me for the rest of my life, it wasn't a complaint, it was more of a little 'woah' moment for me.

After a few minutes of Valentino and Luca talking, everything was finally finished. My tattoo was taken care of and Luca talked to me about the tattoo aftercare I would need to do, the pain already starting to go down making it more bearable.

I got up from the chair and walked with them over to a desk so Valentino could pay the guy. He took out some cash and handed it over to Luca, "Thank you for the last minute appointment."

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