Chapter 26 - Owen

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I finished with my little break and now I'm back with some more chapters!

Finally caught up with my sleep and now my main focus is school so I still won't be posting daily but I will be posting every 2 days so I don't feel as stressed to get a chapter in and then break night for it again

I hope you enjoy this chapter, please vote and comment if you can! <3


"I'm think of a number between 1 and 10." I said, allowing them to start guessing.

"I think.. 7!" Ellie guessed.

"I say 2." Valentino guessed next.

"And the winner is..." I said, dramatically drumming on the dashboard of the car, "Ellie! Right on the dot too, good job baby."

Ellie let out another small cheer from the backseat of the car while Valentino let out a grunt of disbelief, "Again, how are you doing this?!"

She giggled at Valentino's dramatic frustration and disbelief, I chuckled at the rivalry between the two while playing this game.

We were on the road and headed on over to the safe house we needed to go to. We couldn't take Ellie back home because there could be a change they will find us there and we aren't risking anything happening to her. We packed up a bag for her with all the clothes she would need until it was time to go back home when we got the 'safe' alert.

We had been trying to entertain Ellie while we made our way over to the safe house, she had been panicking while we were getting her ready to leave, turning non-verbal for a while once we got in the car. I knew that a game would help her out so we started playing random car games we could think of.

"Who's turn is it now?" I asked.

"It's my turn," Ellie answered, "I'm thinking of a number between 5 and 15."

"Hmm... I'm gonna say 9." I guessed.

"I will say.. 14." Valentino guessed next.

She did a dramatic drumroll on her thighs and I joined in, Valentino was driving so he could only join in with one hand, "The winner is... Owen! He was the closest, my number was 6."

"This game is rigged, you guys planned this out and everything just so I could lose." Valentino complained, making us all chuckle at his comment.

The distractions seemed to be working, Ellie was happy and giggly almost like she had forgotten about everything going on. We didn't tell her exactly what happened, but the more questions she asked, the closer she was to getting to the answer and we didn't want that.

My mind was still scrambled, itching for an answer to a question I didn't even have. Everything had gone south so fast, I didn't even process anything that had happened until Lorenzo snapped me out of it and we rushed to figure out what had gone down. A part of me feared about what would happen if they were to catch us, not for my safety or Valentinos, but for Ellie's safety.

Unlike her, we knew how to take care of certain situations because we were trained for this, she wasn't even educated professionally so I didn't think she would understand anything we told her if we were to ever train her. We would have to eventually, she's now property to us so she will need to learn self defense.

I heard a small yawn coming from behind me, Ellie rubbing her eyes before putting her hand back down on her lap.

"Why don't we end the game and you take a nap beautiful, hm?" I suggested.

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