Chapter 34 - Ellie*

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Kill me for the amount of Ellie POV's later, it's easier to write for some reason and I made the decision last second (also I'm just stupid and I didn't even realize it)

This chapter ended up being longer than expected so now I'm gonna be making another chapter still continuing with the smut so that's fun! I wonder how Ellie's gonna hold up with all of this


ALSO: The reason their wasn't a chapter of her getting saved and shit was because I had made it but I posted the wrong chapter and accidentally deleted it. I really didn't want to rewrite the whole thing so I put a time skip on the last chapter. I'm so sorry if that caused a lot of confusion

I hope you enjoy this chapter, please vote and comment if you can! <3


"They're coming in just a moment, princess." Valentino said to me as he laid me down on the playroom bed, wiping the small tears in my eyes.

Everything in my head was all scrambled up and the feeling coming from in between my legs just wasn't helping one bit. I felt disgusted with myself again, but I knew it was the effect of the drug Sergio had given to me so technically there wasn't anything to be disgusted about.. right?

I had be quiet sobbing to myself for the last 20 minutes of the car ride and the walk over to the playroom in Valentino's arms, craving a touch from one of the guys.

Although the skin-to-skin contact had only made it worse, the feeling growing bigger inside of me. The guys told me they would help the feeling go away, but I felt guilty and tried telling them that I could just sleep it off. They didn't like that idea, especially since we haven't seen each other in quite some time.

I was stupid for even suggesting that idea, my body had been begging for these guys so much and I kept denying it.

'What am I turning into? This isn't the Ellie I remember.. maybe it's just part of growing up?'

My eyes were closed as I continued to try and distract myself from my own body, the bed going to one side as someone sat down. I felt a sudden grab-like feeling around my waist, both of Valentino's big hands placed on them. He picked me up from the bed and made me straddle him, cupping my tear covered face with his hand and the other hand on my back for support.

The pulse I could feel in between my legs increased. I forced my body to stay in place and to not start grinding on his leg no matter how badly I wanted to do so. My breathing grew heavy as I started into his dark brown looking eyes, a smile growing on his face.

"Such a pretty girl you are, and you're all ours.." he cooed, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear and whispering, "We'll make sure you never forget that."

My cheeks flushed with redness, I shoved my face into his chest and let out a small whimper. I could hear him chuckling at me, knowing how embarrassed I was already, he was teasing me to make it worse and get a reaction out of me.

It was working, 100% without a doubt.

I felt his hand travel through my hair before he grabbed a fistful of it and pulled my head off of his chest, immediately smashing his lips into mine. He started kissing me like it was our last, full of passion. I kissed him back, trying to keep the same passion he didn't but I couldn't as I felt my body filling up with more erotic feelings. He took over the entire kiss as I melted into it, slightly moaning into the kiss.

He pulled away once he heard the door open. I turned my head around to see Owen and Lorenzo walking inside, Lorenzo shutting the door behind him. They both looked at me, their dark deep eyes roaming around my body as I was still positioned on top of Valentino's leg.

I'm Yours, SirsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin