Chapter 47 - Owen

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If this chapter looks rushed, it really is rushed

I accidentally woke up at like 12 am and couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to write this when I had the time and tired myself out right after so I guess it was a good use of time and now I get to go back to sleep


I hope you enjoy this chapter, please vote and comment if you can! <3


~6 hours later~

Cold air brushed against my face, waking me up from a rest I don't remember taking. My eyes slowly opened, not quite knowing the area in front of me. I seemed to have been laying down on a cold wooden, surrounded by bars like I was in a cage. I carefully pushed myself off the floor once I had woken up a bit more, checking out my surroundings.

When I looked over to my side, I saw Ellie also sleeping on the floor. We were separated by another set of bars, but that didn't stop me from quickly making my way over to her.

I curled my fingers around the bars, looking at her body only moving from her breathing.

"Ellie!" I called out to her, hoping she would wake up, "Ellie please wake up!"

"Oh she won't be waking up," said a deeper voice, my head turning over to see Stefano walking inside with two other men behind him, "Not for now at least."

"What did you do to her you psychotic fuck?" I asked with a harsh voice, letting go of the bar and standing on my feet.

"Nothing, I just gave her a stronger dose than yours." Stefano said, walking over to the bars of my cell, "Sleep well?"

I scoffed, "Fuck you."

"I'd be careful what you say here, Owen. I'm capable of a lot at the moment that you aren't."

I sighed, knowing he was right. As much as I wanted to scream at him, I knew it wouldn't do anything but make matters worse for myself. Besides, I had no where to run if things got heated. Not wanting to find out what would happen, I calmed myself and refrained from saying anything more.

"Can you at least please wake her up? I want to talk to her." I asked in my calmest voice.

He raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure?"

"What do you— yes I'm sure! Just wake her up for me." I demanded, nearly losing my cool.

Stefano shrugged his shoulders, "If you say so."

His hand reached into his pocket, I expected him to pull out some type of key for the cell door but instead he pulled out a small device. He pressed down on a button which led me to believe it was a remote. Sure enough, the sudden scream had proven me right.

My head quickly turned over to Ellie, her body huddled together into a little ball on the floor while screaming in pain. I ran up to the bar to get as close as I could get to her, noticing the shock collar around her neck. He turned it off after a few seconds, putting the remote on his pocket.

"What the fuck was that?!" I screamed, looking over at him.

"You told me to wake her up so I did." he said with a proud smile.

"Like a normal human being would wake someone up! She's not a fucking animal, you can't just put a shock collar on her like that!"

"Oh but I can, no one's stopping me."

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