Chapter 66 - Ellie / Lorenzo

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I accidentally swallowed something I shouldn't have and now I might die

I think some of y'all are gonna be really happy with this chapter! Also thank you so much for all the follows and votes and comments, you guys are literally the best

I hope you enjoy this chapter, please vote and comment if you can! <3



My eyes slowly started to open after a good night sleep, feeling a rough pair of arms wrapped around my body. While rubbing my eyes with my hands I looked over to see Lorenzo holding me from behind, sleeping peacefully while keeping me close to him. I smiled at the sight.

I loved how comfortable he was getting to be with me, of course I tried my best to make sure I didn't make him uncomfortable while trying to gain his trust and I could tell it had worked. He had always denied that he would cuddle with me and do all the funny stuff I like to do, yet here he was doing everything he said he wouldn't.

'I'm special, yay!'

My legs were starting to have a slight numb feeling. I had been laying in bed for almost days now because Lorenzo wanted me to rest until our colds were gone. I waited until I was somewhat more awake to start trying to get myself out of his arms without waking him up.

I softly and carefully pried one of his arms off of me and sat up very slowly, throwing my legs over the side of the bed. I looked back Lorenzo to make sure he wasn't awake yet before quietly jumping off the bed and stretching my body a bit.

I walked over to the bathroom and quickly did whatever I needed to do, still trying to be as silent as possible while I dried off my hands and left the bathroom after a few minutes of some morning care.

Looking over at Lorenzo, I walked over to him and grabbed the blanket we both had over us, carefully throwing it over his body and smoothing it out. I stood still for a few seconds to make sure he stood asleep which he did. After that, I carefully opened my bedroom door and left.

It had been quite some time since I was able to read in my library again so I decided to head over there until he woke up. I had thought about making a painting for him since he had paintings literally almost everywhere and I thought he might like some more but I had just gotten my energy back and I was desperate to start reading again.

I walked down the stairs and started heading for my library only to have my name called out by one of the maids.

"Excuse me, Ms. Ellie?" a woman called out.

I quickly turned around and looked at her, "Y-Yes?"

"Aren't you supposed to be resting?" she asked, holding a broom in her hand.

"O-Oh, I'm feeling better now and I w-wanted to just stretch my legs and read." I answered, thinking maybe she would walk away now.

"You could really use the extra reading.." she muttered under her breath quietly but loud enough for me to hear.


She let out an aggravated sigh and rolled her eyes, looking back at me, "I said you could use the extra reading, dumbass. I know you're stupid but I didn't think you were that stupid, thank god you'll be out of here in a matter of days."

My eyes widened at her sudden attitude, my mouth was shut and I couldn't help but stare at her. She grinned at me and waved me away like some kind of dog playing fetch, beginning to walk away from me until I grabbed her attention.

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