Chapter 16 - Lorenzo / Ellie

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Very late chapter but I just finished writing it and I just woke up so my apologies for that!

I hope you enjoy this chapter, please vote and comment if you can! <3



I opened the door for the guys and watched as they carried down the target to the basement. I looked around just to make sure Ellie wasn't around and walked on in behind them, shutting the door before walking down the stairs. I knew where she was already but it's better to be safe than sorry.

They dragged the unconscious man over to a chair in the middle of the room, roughly setting him down and looking over at me for their next directions.

"Just.. tie him up and we'll continue once he's awake. How long has he been unconscious for?"

"About half and hour, Mr. Alessio." one of them responded.

"Okay, grab the ropes and start tying him to the chair, wake him up in about thirty minutes or so if he doesn't wake up before then. Text me when he does."

"Where are you going, Mr. Alessio? You usually stay until your victims wa—"

I took my gun off of the table behind me as he was speaking and turned back around, pointing it at him. He held his arms up in the air beside his head, backing up slightly.

"Mind your business and do your fucking job before I put a bullet in your head, capito?"

He nodded his head as he put his arms back to his side, "Capito."

I shoved the gun in the waistband of my pants, turning to the side and walking back up the basement stairs while those guys took care of the rest until it was my time to come into place. I walked through the doorway and shut the door behind me, deciding where I should go from here.

Ellie was taking a bath, so I couldn't go bother her with anything. Not that I wanted to talk to her anyway, or maybe I did.. I wasn't sure how I felt about speaking with her to be honest.

She was scared of me, almost all of our old submissives were. I was a harsh man, I say whatever comes to my head without giving it a second thought, doing things without thinking about the outcome, refusing to ever show an ounce of care or respect unless it was desperately necessary, I was cold and heartless at times which has been brought to my attention by many.

Of course, Owen hadn't been too happy about my behavior or personality around people, neither was Valentino. They've both done everything in their path to get me to control myself when it came to many different situations but it never worked, it only made things worse.

What a bunch of fucking hypocrites, they can be angry and express it whenever they want but I have to control that? Hell, they can't even control their own dicks around Ellie but suddenly only I have to control mine? Talk about fairness.

I wasn't mad at them, I understand they were only trying to help me, but I like to do most personal things solo. That's the only thing I wish they would just get in their fucking heads and let me do as I wish.

I walked over to the garden door and opened it, feeling the fresh breeze run across my face smoothly. This is where I would usually come to just relax myself, leave everything else behind and just have a moment to myself.

I closed the door behind me and slowly started walking around the garden. I was in no rush for anything, as soon as I got the text about the guy, then I would leave.


About 2 hours had passed by now, I've been walking around the garden for quite some time and finally relaxed myself. My thoughts had been cleared and I was more energized to continue the rest of my day.

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