Chapter 4 - Valentino

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Had no school today which so far was my best day ever, I got to finish the editing with this chapter and play some games with my friends

I'm still tired and now my arm is dying but that's okay, I hope you enjoy the chapter!


I headed down the stairs and walked over to the dining room, knowing that's where me and Owen usually ate dinner together. There would be some times where we ate on the couch or in our rooms.

I joined Owen at the dinner table seeing as all the plates were already out and filled with food, the glasses filled up with a bit of wine and the bottle sitting in the middle.

Owen looked up from his plate at me, "I told the chef to make the soup for the girl."


A sudden flashback came into my head. It was when I had went to that small store near the same place I picked up the girl from, remembering our conversation at the counter.

"Ellie.." I said quietly, looking up at Owen, "Her name is Ellie, I just remembered."

"That's a cute name, it suits her." he said before popping some of the food into his mouth.

I started eating my food, taking my phone out my pocket and turning it on. I clicked on the app that the cameras were connected to and clicked on the one I placed in the room.

She looked to peaceful, fuck I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I placed it down on the table so I could continue eating.

"Do you want me to call Lorenzo and see if he wants some dinner to take home or something?" he asked.

"Yeah sure, we have to discuss this whole thing anyway." I replied, taking another bite of my food.

He took out his phone and dropped his fork down, unlocking it. He called up Lorenzo a few seconds later and put it on speaker so I could hear everything.

He picked up after the third ring, "What is it, Owen?" he said in a rough voice.

"Hello to you too, did you have a bad day baby?" Owen asked in a childish voice, trying to contain his laughter as well as myself.

"Cut the shit and tell me what you want before I hang up on you." he threatened.

"Alright alright, we wanted to know if you wanted to come over and have some dinner with us."

He let out a sigh, "Sure, I'll be over in a minute."

Before Owen could say bye, Lorenzo instantly hung up the phone, "That's nice.. what a rude ass guy."

"It's Lorenzo, you should've seen that coming."

We both chuckled lightly and continued eating, waiting for Lorenzo to arrive. I kept glancing at my phone over and over again, finally deciding to just keep my eyes on it.

I took a quick glance at Owen to see that he was doing the same thing as me. He looked up and saw me catching him looking at my phone, "Can't blame me."

"I really can't blame you." I said, looking back at my phone.


A few minutes went by of us eating and talking before the doors of the mansion opened up. As the had closed, footsteps approached the dining room and in walked Lorenzo.

His facial expressions never changed, it was always the same resting face. I wasn't annoyed by it or anything, I've seen the same face so many times it wasn't anything new to look at.

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