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  • Dedicated to Anthony yo

WARNING: THIS COULD BE OFFENSIVE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN GOD. Please do not read if you think this may offend you. This is simply my belief system and in no way am I trying to slander anyone else's beliefs!! Everyone is entitled to what they believe and I'm not trying to say otherwise. Enjoy.


In the midst

Of all of this

Unabridged non-happiness

I take a glance

At my hands

And wonder why God created man

When there is war

And there is hate

People try to stop but it's too late

If there was

A main creator

Do you think he wouldn't have done better?

To make a world

Revolving in disgust

Broken hearts due just to lust

Starving kids

Make shift beds

People crying everyday

Try to take their lives away

And yet you fools will still believe

That one day Jesus will reprieve

And take you up

Fill your cup

With wine and you'll eat breads

Don't be mad at me for saying

But I'd rather just be dead

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