the life

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always hiding

never confiding

   the life of an ana

   the life of a mia

they're beautiful,

they are

lifting away our scars

and througout these years

they wipe away our tears

the drops of blood

no longer

have to make us stronger

it's only a vice

cause ana's real nice

she wants to help,

it's what she does

to her we are

a flock of doves

birds of beauty that need to be tamed

and she'd the tamer

then there's mia,

she wants to help too

but of course to me and you

she isn't helpful,

she ruins it all

she's the one that makes us fall

then again sometimes she may

come around to save the day

but that's only with ana's help

she's the one that hears us yelp

it isn't easy

not real fun

but we're chosen

ana's one

so it's worth it, this long fight

it's living in the ed life

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