Charlotte Flair-Confessions In The Dark

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The man looked down and sucked in a breath. "I'm sorry, all the rooms are taken, but there is one with 2 beds, but someone is already in it." You raked your hands through your hair. "You can bunk with me." You shook your head at Rhea's request. "Nah it's okay. I know Liv might be over there."

You looked back at the receptionist. "Is there a way you could give me the name and room number?" The man shook his head. "I'm sorry, but we can't give that information out."

You were about to say something, but someone behind you beat you to it. "Can y'all get out the way. People need to get their rooms too!" You knew that voice from anywhere.

You turned around to see Charlotte with that same expression from earlier. You and Rhea stepped out of the way, listening to their conversation. "Reservation for the name under Flair." The receptionist looked at the computer and then at Charlotte. "Charlotte? 2 beds, 1 bathroom, and kitchen?" She nodded her head, taking the card.

Your mouth dropped open in shock. She's the one who took the room. "Sir, are you sure there isn't another room?" The man nodded his head giving one last look over. "Yea, I'm sorry." You huffed out an annoyed sound. "Y/n stop being such a spoiled brat. The man said there's no other room."

You scoffed at her statement. "Like you're one to talk." She looked at you offended. "You know, I was gonna help you out, but you want to be so rude. Guess I'll have the 2 beds to myself." She started to walk away down to the elevator.

You mumbled something under your breath and took your bag. "Charlotte, wait." She stopped in her tracks, waiting for you to catch up. "Let me stay in your hotel room." Charlotte looked at you with a smirk. "Where's your manners? Say please."

You sighed. "Can you please let me stay in your hotel room?" Your voice was dragged as you didn't want to say it. "Oh of course! Since you asked so nicely." You rolled your eyes at her change of voice. You looked at Rhea and off you went in the elevator.

When you made it to the room, you flopped down on the bed with a groan. "Uh, huh, get up. That's my bed." When you didn't get up fast enough you were met with the floor. "Hey!" Charlotte placed her suitcase on the bed, zipping it open for some clothes.

"Asshole." Charlotte gave you a questioning look. "What was that?" You ignored her, going in your own bag for something comfy. "Did you just call the person who gave you a room for free an asshole?" You groaned loudly. "Shut up!" You went to the bathroom, changing into some sweatpants and one of Rhea's shirts.

When you came out, you froze at her outfit. She wore shorts that showed her juicy thighs, and a shirt that was cut up, showing her stomach slightly. You could see the print of her nipples, indicating she wasn't wearing a bra.

You coughed, shaking your head at the thought. When you laid down in the bed, silence took over the room. "Giving up so soon?" You rolled over, looking at Charlotte. "You just want to start something, don't you." Charlotte laughed at your question.

"When I start things, I finish unlike you." You tilted your head to the side. "What do you mean by that?" She went to the small kitchen, grabbing a bag of chips. "When I start a match, I finish it by winning, but you obviously couldn't do that tonight."

You bit your lip at her explanation. She was referring to your match tonight. "Charlotte, shut up. You're only saying that because you know that I'd beat your ass if I won." Charlotte laughed even louder than before, wiping a fake tear away.

"Oh please, we both know you're just jealous that you won't get my title. You won't and never will because you're nothing. You minds will stick to being Rhea and Liv's little sidekick."

You stay silent, feeling a small pang of hurt. Even though you and Charlotte could go at it for days, she's never said anything like this. "What's wrong, cat caught your tongue?" You rolled over towards the wall, pulling the cover over your shoulders.

"Awe, is someone angry?" You didn't say anything, earning a small push to your body. "Come on, Y/n. Don't go quiet on me now." Her teasing caused you to snap. "Leave me alone!"

The sound of thunder and the flash of lightning was heard as it all went black. The only thing that could be heard was your heavy breathing. "C-Charlotte?" You looked around, somewhat hoping to see her.

"What the hell?" Charlotte opened the door and looked out the hall. "The power went out!" Was faintly heard from someone. Charlotte cursed under her breath, closing the door. "Great, now I gotta be stuck in the dark with you." You got up, looking out the window.

You watched as the cars passed by and people ran down the sidewalk to their cars. "Why do you hate me?" Charlotte turned around, seeing your dark figure near the window."What?"

You repeated your question. "Why do you hate me?" She opened her mouth and then closed it, not knowing what to say. "What did I do to you that made you hate me so much?" Charlotte shook her head even though you couldn't see her. "Y/n, I've never hated you."

You scoffed, chuckling. "Yeah, you don't hate me, but you find any and every way to piss me off. Just tell me the truth." Charlotte took a deep breath. "You wanna know the truth?" You hummed a 'yes'.

"I- never mind." You grumbled, in annoyance. All this anticipation just for her to block you off. "No come on. Tell me!" Charlotte thought about it. "Do you like Rhea?" You almost choked on air as she asked you that. "What? Me and Rhea? Oh god no! Rhea's like a sister to me."

Charlotte let out a breath of relief. "Besides, Liv kinda likes her." You gasped, putting a hand over your mouth. "Shit, I wasn't supposed to say that." Charlotte tried to quiet her laugh down. "Forget I said that."

Charlotte slowly walked over to you, taking careful steps. "Now back to you, why did you ask me that?" Charlotte decided it was time to tell you. "I like you." Your breath caught in your throat at her confession. "Are you joking? If this is some sort of prank, imma get Rhea on you."

Charlotte could admit that it hurt. It hurt her that you thought she would play with your feelings. "No Y/n, I've been mean to you because I thought you and Rhea were dating."

It was all starting to make sense. You and Charlotte used to be friends back in your NXT days, but due to an injury, you left, leaving Charlotte to blow up on her own. That's when you met Rhea. She helped you through your injury and helped you come back to WWE.

You kinda blew Charlotte off because she didn't check up on you, or show any concern during it all. "But I thought you hated me." Charlotte's hands came in contact with your body, making you jump. "No, I was jealous. Jealous of the bond you and Rhea made. I thought you replaced me."

Shock came through your system. "I thought you replaced me! You and Becky had the great feuds, and you started hanging out with her more. I thought you blew me off." Charlotte was tired of all this dancin' around.

"Y/n, just please tell me if you feel the same or not because I can't keep going on with our 'rivalry'." You nodded your head, forgetting that she couldn't see you. You turned around and felt something soft on your lips. Realization hit you when you felt her arms wrap around waist.

You relaxed into the kiss, pulling her closer, deepening the kiss. The door busted open, and your eyes did as well. You then noticed that the power was back. "Hey Y/n, are you-" Liv's voice was heard. "Oh my god, Rhea, they're kissing!"

Liv ran down the hall like a schoolgirl, going to tell Rhea. You and Charlotte looked at each other with a smile on y'all's face.

 You and Charlotte looked at each other with a smile on y'all's face

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