I grabbed his hand and kissed it then all over his face he giggled he is still so cute and innocent. His laugh still gives me butterflies after so many years.

"I promise it's a date" I hummed he smile and leaned in to kiss me softly he tasted like oranges probably from the juice he drank.

"We haven't had one of those in a while can we get some food too?" He asked all cheery

"Whatever you want sunshine" I replied he just rolled his eyes.

"You know of these days you are gonna tell me no," He said as we pulled into the warehouse parking lot.

"I'm kinda a sucker for cute faces so I highly doubt that," I said as Seoho parked the car.

"Our kid is gonna be so spoiled my god" he sighed unbuckling himself as we both hopped out of the car.

"Yeah by you! I saw your Amazon wish list" I defended he just chuckled and pressed a quick kiss to my cheek as we walked hand in hand into the warehouse.


"Since we finally have the upper hand in this situation I want to act fast and quick," Seokjin said we were gathered in the meeting room around a huge wooden table.

All six of us were here....it felt weird to say only six of us here that the 7th was laying cold and dead in a freezer downstairs in a basement like an old steak.

"I say we hide on the containers with a sniper rifle and shoot him in his dick then listen to him screen then shot him in his head," Hoseok said

"I agree sounds like a good plan baby," Taehyung said from where he was sitting next to Hoseok.

"We can't do that it's messy he will probably show up with his men and once we shoot him all his guys will shoot us and all war will break out," Yoongi said he was sitting at the head of the table I was on his left just sitting back in the chair.

He looked like the boss...more than I ever have

"I agree little fucker is like an STD just won't go away" Jungkook and I snorted at that and winked at Jungkook he gave me a small thumbs up.

"Jungkook this is serious please pay attention," Seokjin said with an unpleased look on his face but Jungkook rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"You haven't said anything important have you?" he snapped and I could tell there was tension between them not to mention Seokjin looked so tired.

"Jungkook please not right now" he sighed running a hand through his hair "I was thinking we let the ship come into port and while the goods are being offloaded all the attention will be on the shit coming out of there so we set fire to one of the cars and throw some flash bombs then start fucking killing bitches" he said

"It's also so early in the morning so they won't be at their best plus they won't be expecting it probably thinking we have our tail between our legs after Namjoon" Hoseok huffed

I feel the same feeling claw at my chest it hurts to hear about Namjoon like he is some passing thought with no meaning or value like he wasn't one of our brothers. I start tapping my foot on the floor as they continued to speak

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