Chapter 60 - Valentino

Start from the beginning

"Right after you just changed?"

It was silent for a long moment. I heard her footsteps walking away from the door before returning shortly after. The lock on the door had made a clicking sound and the door was cracked open, Ellie peaking her eyes through the gap.

Her eyes were teary and her lip quivered, she was shaking and I knew her heart was still broken. She finally let her tears out and let out a soft cry, "P-Please don't be mad..." she whispered.

"Why would I be mad at you?" I asked.

She looked almost hesitant when she started opening the door more, I looked down to finally see what she was talking about.

Her wrist was filled with fresh scars, blood seeping out of each one. A drop fell to the floor and the cries became just a bit louder. I couldn't help but stare at what she had done to herself, I didn't expect it to get this bad or else I never would have left her by herself these past few days.

"I-I'm sorry.. I don't k-know how to cope an-and I..." she cried out.

"Shh.. it's okay, Ellie. Come here.." I whispered, opening my arms.

She slowly walked into them and held on to my shirt tightly as she sobbed. I wrapped one hand around her body and the other hand was petting her head.

I tried my best not to cry, I had this same problem a few years ago and seeing it happen to this innocent girl just hurt my heart. I don't want her to think this would be the way to help her.

"I d-don't know what to do.." she whispered into my chest.

"I know, amore. This isn't the way to go though, hurting yourself will only make everything so much worse."

"It's su-supposed to make it better..."

"But it never does, trust me it only makes you feel worse."

"I-It should've been me... M-Martin had th-things to live for.."

Those words immediately broke my heart even more, "Don't you ever say that again, you both had great things to live for."

She picked her head off my chest and looked up at me, "A-Are you mad.?"

I shook my head lightly, "No, I'm not mad at you for this. I understand you're going through a rough time and it hard to find ways to cope but we'll help you, okay? You just need to talk too us and ask us for help, promise me you'll do that and never hurt yourself like this again."

She nodded her head slightly, "I p-promise."

"Thank you, now, let's get you cleaned and bandaged up."

I let go of her body and took her hand, leading her out of the bathroom and out of the bedroom. I walked her over to my room and opened the door, allowing both of us inside before I shut it. We headed over to my bathroom and I turned on the light and picked her up, setting her down on the counter.

I grabbed some of the soft tissue and took one of her wrist. I tried to get rid of as much blood as I could before moving on to the next one. She still continued to cry but I didn't want to stop her, I wanted her to let it all out.

I rummaged around through one of my cabinets and pulled out the cream I needed, opening it up while Ellie watched.

"This is going to sting just a bit but it's going to heal you, okay?" I informed her before doing anything so she was prepared.

She nodded her head, I didn't expect a verbal answer but I didn't push for it either. I placed a good amount of cream in my fingers before lightly rubbing it on to her cuts. She tried to pull her arm away but I kept a tight grip.

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