80. *Behind Closed Door...*🔞⚠️

Começar do início

When Maya made sure Sabitchna was gone, she was about to turn around as well but his voice made her stop. "Where are you going?"

Maya rolled her eyes at him. "To wherever I want."

"You wanted to talk about something?" He asked referring to her visiting his office room.

"Actually yes, I did." She replied. "But I guess I'll come back later." She then added. "When the air inside this room isn't filled with some cheap perfume anymore."

"It's not what you're thinking." Massimo then said, making Maya to narrow her eyes at him even more.

She scoffed at him. "The same old line."

"But it's true." He exclaimed.

"You know what, I don't care." She then responded.

Massimo couldn't help but to let out a small smirk. He could clearly see that Sabrina's presence inside his office room, especially her being on her knees in front of him, all of that did affect her and she sure cared.

"What do you find so funny?" Maya asked when she saw him smirking to himself.

Massimo shook his head at her, having that smirk still on his face. 'Oh I know how to wipe that smirk off his face!' Maya thought to herself.

"Fine then, I'm leaving." She shrugged. "I guess I'll have to find Liam." And as expected Massimo's smirk fell a little. "I'm sure he'll gladly help me with what I came here to ask you for." With that she turned around and she barely took a step when two manly arms got wrapped around her waist, and she found herself being pushed until her back was against the wall.

It was so sudden that she didn't even get to realise what was happening. It was only after she looked up and found Massimo in front of her, that she realised he had pinned her in between him & the damn wall.

Maya could feel his thick arms around her waist. Since he didn't leave much gap between them, Maya could also feel the heat coming from his body, and she could also very well feel him on her lower abdomen. Maya tried not to feel anything because of his close proximity, but whom was she kidding! Even if she wanted to she just couldn't help herself, her body was so traitorous.

"You were saying something." Massimo said, eyes narrowed, jaw set, an arrogant smirk on his face.
He knew Maya was at lose of words right now, due to their position.

Maya tried to push him, but that was a wrong move because he only made his grip around her waist tight even more. Maya had her hands down on either side of her, itching to run them across his body. She closed her hands into tight fists, trying her hard to resist him.

Massimo noticing how she had her hands still down, chuckled at her. That chuckle made a jolt of current ran down her spine, making her shiver on her own. Massimo moved his hands from around her waist and started to caress her. Maya gulped, almost purring at the sensation that his hands were giving her.

"So soft...." Massimo said in his now husky voice. "So damn soft that it makes me want to bite on it." He whispered, moving his head by her ear. His hands reaching just above her ass, "I want to spank you so bad." As he said that he put his hands over her ass and gave her a light slap, making Maya squirm in his hold. This time she couldn't help herself as she then put her hands on his shoulders.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora