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Now playin'
Fallin' For You by RUNY


Felix was currently snacking on a sandwich. He sat on a chair behind the counter where Chan and Mirae were currently working. Chan had insisted Felix sit on it and eat the sandwich so he happily did. Their class did not play in the next round so he figured he could as well hang around here.

"Eenha didn't hurt herself bad right?" Mirae asked while prepping a cafe machine that had already run empty. Felix shook his head even if Mirae could not see it. "She was just laughing, I guess it looked worse than it actually was." He finally said. "Everyone seemed to be really into it," Chan joined the conversation.

"It was a pure mistake though," Felix added. At that time he was at the bench close to where Eenha tripped. "She can be pretty competitive at times," Mirae sighed. "She never seemed like that," Felix thought out loud. "She can be pretty good at hiding it until she can't or she just chooses to give it her all." "That sounds more like her," Chan chuckles.

"But I know no one is as competitive as you Hyung," Felix teased. "Chan?" Mirae chuckled, "yeah no way." She admitted. "Hey, that's not I mean-" He tried to save himself but knew he could not. "Has he ever told what happened on the first year at the 60m sprint?" Felix with a mischievous smile asked the oldest. "Oh, haven't heard this one," Mirae looked intrigued and moved closer to Felix. "Lix please I'm begging you don't," Chan said completely joking. He was embarrassed but still found it harmless.

"He was so sensitive about it that he took a false start," Felix began. "And then he insisted that it wasn't and since it was just a school sports day they looked past it the first time. However," Felix grinned and Chan closed his eyes at the embarrassing memory. "He moved before anyone again but that wasn't all, I kinda admire the nerve he had to ask for a restart. You said something about-" "About a weird sound nearby no one else heard and yeah..." Chan helped Felix.

"Yeah, and then the sender was like okay let these run now and we'll talk later, so the guys ran and a few heats later Chan was given a chance to run again, but alone. And guess what-" "He took a false start." Felix laughed, "yeah." Mirae gave an amused laugh. "Hope you have better luck next time," she pushed Chan from his shoulder. "Oh, I was too ashamed to show up on the track after that." The trio laughs.

"Oh, I just remembered," Mirae starts looking for something. She grabs a paper pack, "I'll just take this to Himi quickly, Felix you'll cover for me with Chan right?" She winked at the freckled boy. "Oh eum sure," Felix answered disorientated while Chan chuckled.

Felix and Chan were left alone in the tent. That made Felix suddenly nervous. He tried to brush it off and focus on finishing his sandwich. If he did not have these stupid feelings this would be a perfectly ordinary situation, but now he felt nervous, how great... Chan got back to his work like nothing had happened.

Felix could hardly stand this silence and stared at Chan's back. "Wish you could participate?" He finally asked for a distraction. Chan spun around his back to the counter and he leaned to it. "Kinda but I'm good," Chan smiled. Felix nodded and finished eating. "You want something to drink?" "Can you hand my bottle?" Felix pointed at the water bottle behind Chan. "Sure."

Chan picked it up and came to give it. He handed it forward and Felix reached to get it but when he grabbed it their hands touched. It was a harmless accident but Felix's brain misfunctioned and abruptly he pulled his hand to himself causing the bottle to fall on the ground. "Oh I'll get it," Chan smiled shortly. "Oh no you don't I'm sor-" But Chan was already kneeling down and while doing so he rested his arm on Felix's thighs for support as he crouched on the ground. Needless to say, that made Felix shut down.

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