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Now playin'
Mixtape: Time Out by Stray Kids
Still Falling For You by Ellie Coulding


The schoolyard was filled with students with their belongings packed in big sports bags and rucksacks. Everyone seemed to overreact about how much clothing and personal things a person would need for three days and two nights. That was how long our yearly field trip was. I don't know why but this year I felt the most reluctant to go. I had a feeling that something would go down and I didn't like it. We also lost precious time to train, even if Chan had assured me along with the girls I couldn't help but think we were wasting three days.

Someone nudged their shoulder with mine. Correction, not just someone I knew 100% it was Hyunjin. "Can't you at least pretend to be a bit enthusiastic?" I gave him a side glance. "Why would I?" I matched his playful tone. "Oh come on it's Changbin's last one!" "If he passed his exams that is," Jeongin within the hearing range cuts in. "Hey! I think I did well!" The older heard the maknae. "I know you did well," Tengo appeared and smiled at Changbin.

"What about the rest of you?" Felix who stands up after checking he didn't forget his charger home asks. "Pretty sure I nailed mine," Seungmin answers confidentally. "Mr. Jeon's math test was a killer I can't even be sure I scored one point," Felix agonizes back. "Jeon surely was at his worst," Minho admits. "You Koreans are funny the exams were a piece of cake," Himi boasts. "Then you might as well tell why you were the last one to leave from that English test I starved waiting for you," Jeongin teased and Himi shot him a look. We laughed.

"How about you?" I give Hyunjin a quick glance at his question. I shrugged at first, "we'll see." He nodded. "I think I have a chance of scoring A in religion." My mouth twisted into a grin as I turned to look at Hyunjin properly. "Aren't you a smart pretty boy?" He shakes his head in small movements as a response.

"Year 16 here! 17 here and-"

Mr. Chew's not-so-loud voice cut through the non-essential chatter and students started moving to their assigned busses. Sadly that meant Himi and Jeongin were separated from our group. There were four busses in total which were assigned every year. They were huge almost 100 seats per vehicle.

We ended up sitting close to each other at the back end. To my surprise, Tengo sat down with Changbin leaving me and Hyunjin to sit on the right side of the aisle next to them. Thinking through it wasn't that surprising knowing how fond she had grown on Changbin but I still thought our traditions would have held more ground. I didn't mind it though.

Jisung and Minho settled in front of me and Hyunjin while Felix and Seungmin went behind Tengo and Changbin. The ride was longish, three hours to be exact. Most of the students usually slept, it was only seven in the morning after all. Tengo and I always watched a horror movie. But as I now peeked behind Hyunjin to see the two on my left they were discussing about something.

"Were you replaced?" Hyunjin has read my mind and teases me. I lean back into my seat by the window. I then realized I rarely sat next to the window since that was what Tengo liked the best. "Seems like it," I finally respond. "So you won't try and get some sleep like everybody else?" He continues conversing switching the subject. I smile fleets through me, he remembered. "I won't." "How do you survive the ride every time then?" "Usually we," I gestured at Tengo, "watch a horror movie from my laptop or if she's too sleepy I just listen to music and naturally zone out." "For three or more hours?" He asks in disbelief and I nod like it's nothing.

"Tired?" I then ask. Hyunjin shakes his head. "A movie?" He suggests. "Can you handle horror?" I tease. He doesn't verbally respond but gives me a look. I take out my laptop and set down the tray-like table from the seat in front. He does the same and I place my laptop in between. I sign in and he takes the reins. I see him connect his Air Pods to my laptop.

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