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"So work in small groups or pairs for this presentation that is due two weeks from now," Jeongin and Hiromi's English teacher explained. Hiromi looked at her seatmate with anticipation. "Partner?" Jeongin just chuckled, "given." "Perfect!" The Japanese girl exclaimed and moved her focus to her laptop.

She took out the advice file for the presentation. They both read it from their laptops. As if neither of them would have focused on what the teacher was saying. "So a country presentation?" Hiromi spoke aloud in the loud classroom. "Eh? Sounds like elementary school stuff," Jeongin marked. The Japanese sighed. "It does..."

"No wait," the boy's voice made the slumped girl fix her posture. "After presentations about each country's economy and political system are given you will hold debates. Debates will be chosen on the base of 'opposites attract' and you will have to convince the other participant's country why your country's economy or political system is better." He read out loud. "Wah? And that all is to due in English?" Hiromi's head was spinning. "So much for the elementary school stuff, huh?" "We're made to work hard like for real," Hiromi whined.

Jeongin was taken aback by the task's difficulty. But it also did not hold that much significance regarding grades. It seemed to be more of a talking exercise. The classroom had gotten noisy quite quickly. Everyone was grouping up or already discussing the presentation. "Should we go and work elsewhere?" He suggested to the raven-haired Japanese. "Yeah," she slapped her laptop shut and picked it up.


Seungmin and Felix were in their health education class. Well... The teacher, Mr. Han, was the most walked-on person you could ever meet. Add in the subject... His classes were always a mess. Because it was a compulsory class where most of the students did not even want to be. Including Seungmin and Felix.

Mr. Han was explaining some kind of project. They were pretty much the only work method that worked in his classes. The only way to make sure people were at least doing something. Right when he was done explaining chaos ensued.

Felix and Seungmin had to pair up with another pair. Then they would choose a topic from the course and then they would have to come up with a thirty-minute lesson to be held for the rest of the class. Their topic was common diseases in Korea.

"How about you search and plan those two and we'll take these three," Seungmin suggested looking at the other pair. They just paired up with the two sitting in front of the boys. "Yeah, sure. I mean you have the dance thing you sure you wanna take three?" Felix nodded, "yeah Seungmin, and I'll manage. Plus I think those two have more work anyways. Broader subjects you know." The Aussie tried to convince the other two.

The pair in front gave slight nods of agreement. "Perfect then we'll head out and work on these," Seungmin tucked Felix up with him. "We are?" "Yeah, it's way too noisy here." "Oh right." Felix started packing all the essentials and Seungmin was already on his way. "We can chat in the forum if anything comes up!" Felix ever-so-friendly hints to the two left behind before he hurries after Seungmin.

"Ya Kim Seungmin-ah!" He shouts after the other male who refuses to stop. Felix catches up with a few jogging steps. "I hate group projects," the other mutters. "I know, but come on they're decent students." Seungmin sighed. "Let's just go do our part."


"Hey, what can I get you today?" Tengyang's most friendly tone asked a customer at the counter. "Just black coffee and one of those chocolate chip cookies would be nice dear." Tengyang smiled brightly at the elderly woman. "Of course. That'd be 5,600 won, cash or card? Oh-" The woman was already handing cash to her. "Your change-" "Keep the rest as a tip, you're being so radiant today!" Tengyang could not help but laugh softly at the weird compliment. "Thank you very much. If you move at the end of this we'll have your order ready in a bit." The woman nodded and started slowly moving.

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