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"Okay, just don't burn the house we will be upstairs!" Heeseuk stated as both of our managers disappeared upstairs. "So where do we start?" Himi asked. "Any of you great at cooking?" Chan responded with a question. We all pointed at Mirae. "Eenha also cooks pretty well but rarely." Tengo pointed out.

"What do you think, Hyung?" Changbin asked looking at Minho. "Hyung and Yongbok should go take care of the fire. Noona do you wanna make the side dishes?" Minho starts distributing roles. Mirae nods, "I'll take Tengyangie and Changbin with me. If that's okay with the two of you?" They respond positively. "Okay, then Seungmin, Innie, and Hiromi can wash and prepare the vegetables. Hyunjin set the table and then ask who needs help. Jisung is with me." "Okay, let's get to work then!" Chan rushes and everyone who was mentioned leaves their way.

"What do you want me to do?" I ask Minho before he gets to leave anywhere with Jisung on his tail. "Do you need help?" I continued as he was not really responding. "Not really." His voice cut like a knife. "Oh okay then," I responded dumbfounded because of the now tense vibe around the three of us. "I can go help Hyun-" "Look out for the trouble line, they might need help." He didn't let me finish and just looked at the three youngest. "Sure..." I smile shortly confused and leave the scene.


"Hyung. What was that?" Jisung whispers. "What?" Minho acts dumb. "Really? Is everything okay? You seemed absent earlier." "Why wouldn't it be?" Minho continued gathering their ingredients. Jisung sighed, Minho was definitely acting weird... Maybe he didn't mean to be snappy but he was and now he was just ignoring whatever happened, "are you sure we don't need help?" Minho scoffs, "there's really nothing much to do than season the meat and prepare the chicken and then fry them." He reasoned. "And, you could've said that nicely to her. Even if you're hungry..." Jisung lectures. "Can you just carry these?" Minho as if he wasn't listening at all handed a cutting board and packages of meat to Jisung who sighed, "mmm, at least apologize later..."


Minho himself didn't realize how weirdly he had acted and how harsh it had sounded. He was feeling apologetic, being rude was definitely not his intention. He convinced himself he was just a bit on the edge because he was very hungry and tired from the physical activity.


I walked over to the maknaes and fell deep in thought. That was definitely weird. I knew Minho could be intimidating in a way, but everyone loved him. So how can someone like that feel so distant in a matter of seconds?

Maybe he was just hungry and sensitive because of it but I couldn't help but replay that blunt response in my mind. His tone was so discarding as if the last thing he would have wanted was for me to do was to go help him and Jisung. (You ask if I'm exaggerating and yes, yes I am just a bit.)

Or maybe I was overanalyzing and seeing things that weren't there. I mean anyone would be sensitive if they were hungry, right? I knew he was kind and approachable even if he was pretty straightforward with his words but... Then again why do I care so much? I sighed audibly. I am just overthinking again.

"I think we should cut it this way," Himi's voice reaches me. "I don't think that is how you do it." Jeongin's voice followed accompanied by Seungmin's laughter. I peeked over their shoulders and saw Himi trying to cut a carrot in half from the top. "That's definitely not how you do it," I rushed to the scene and placed the carrot vertically on the board.

"Chop it to pieces like this," I showed her. Seungmin kept on washing the other veggies and Jeongin was getting ready to chop radishes. "I can just cut it like this, right Eenha?" I turned to oversee him and nodded, "yeah." "Wow, I didn't know you three would actually need help." "You know me though?" Himi talked back. "And I'm starting to think how I've let you in our kitchen more than once." I played along. This made the boys laugh. "Who even starts cutting the carrot like that?" Seungmin spoke. "Ya! You wanna do it then?"

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