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Wonshik was at the company finishing up some paperwork for the girls about the dance project. The manager was so proud and thrilled for them. This was a big opportunity, the project was televised and now they were working with already popular and talented people. That could work against them too though- He shook his head.

He was currently almost alone in the area. He smiled to himself reading the contract papers and other stuff when the management leader for the girls walked in. Cho Deoksu, Wonshik hated his guts. There had always been something disturbing about him. With every group of employees, he had managed, he always picked up one to bother the most. Of Wonshik's girls that one happened to be Eenha who was always the loudest when arguing against the agency.

Soon faint footsteps reached the area and the management leader, Deoksu came in while talking to another male. "Can't believe those four burdensome brats landed a place in that program," he spoke loudly not caring if someone was still working in the area. "You're talking about the foreigners?" (If you had not already noticed almost all of us, me, Tengo, and Himi were foreigners, maybe that was why the agency disliked us so much...) "Tch," he looked at the dumb wit intern walking alongside him. "Who else?" He responded as if it was self-explanatory to everyone.

Wonshik made himself appear smaller and sank into his chair. All in hopes to keep eavesdropping on their conversation. His blood boiled at the insults and the degrading tone the management head spoke, but he knew better than to cause a scene. "Such a shame that pretty thing they call a leader was right under my thumb if they would've just failed..." His tone was disgusting. He was talking about Eenha, right? Was this about how they got the support for the audition? "Then what?" The intern spoke.

There was a silence, while Deoksu was checking around. "Come here you fucking brick," the slightly overweight man put an arm around the slim-built young intern. Wonshik tried his best to hear their whispers which succeeded oddly well since it was so quiet.

"That little plaything made a deal with me. A damn good deal that is. And even though she won this round I'm still controlling the match." He straightened himself, "that young brat thinks she's such an adult making offers like that." The intern was truly astonished and completely clueless but nodded at his boss.

"But if they already got in that means your deal is off right?" "They truly take just anyone in these days?" Deoksu sighed frustrated. "She'll need me again and when she does I'll make sure the winning party is me." The intern nodded still pretty out of it. "For fuck sake just come already!" Deoksu snarled and the intern flinched.

The two passed the office area Wonshik was in and he could finally climb back to his desk. What the actual fuck had Eenha promised? Wonshik could only imagine, for someone pretty smart she was so incredibly stupid at times. Making a bad decision where she completely ignored herself for the sake of the girls was a strong suit of hers.

The male groaned not being able to focus on the paperwork any longer. He had to confront the stubborn brunette as soon as possible so she wouldn't fall for Deoksu's trap again. He could finish it up with his laptop anyway.


During the next art class, I wanted to die from embarrassment. I was sitting in my place hoping a certain someone wouldn't come to class. I was being so rude last time and now we had a project together... Again, I would have to swallow my pride and worse yet apologize. What added to my agonizing shame was the fact that the boys probably knew about it right in the beginning. There was no other explanation as to why he would have talked to me after all these years.

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