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"I think we need a minute with this," Tengo groans as she tries to go through their part with the trouble trio. Hyori hums, "I can use that to fix your points." She points a finger at Mirae. The oldest member rubs her nape before fixing her hair into a tighter ponytail. (After the field trip there was no time to lose and we were bound in the practice room to finish our routine.)

"Hyunjin help Chan with the pre-chorus part and Minho and Eenha come up with your pair routine please." "We're free!" Jisung exclaims throwing his hands up in the air ready to approach the couch with Changbin and Seungmin. "The bottles need refilling," Hyori snarked a comment with a grin and the three were out.

I approached Minho noticing he was not going to do anything. I gave him a small smile as a greeting. He was still clearly acting sulky but I can't be bothered with that now. After finally saying things aloud to him on that field trip I felt freer. It really took me all of that to start getting over all of this. I just hoped he would come to his senses soon enough too.

There was still a lot I didn't understand between us but now I started to think that maybe I don't have to. Weeks ago I would have been dying to know. Now I simply didn't care anymore. "Any ideas?" I start as everyone has gotten to work. "We need a smooth transition for the three eights." I nod. His work-only tone still irritated me but I can't let it affect me anymore.

Three eights worth of choreography. That was how long I had to dance with him. "What if you just put me down." "Too bland." I did agree but what could we do? "Let's figure the rest first then?" Minho looked away his arms were crossed in front of him. He seemed to disagree. "Unless you have an idea?" I try my best to stay on my best behavior. But was he two years older than me?

"I could try to fling you on the side and toss you backward." I frown, "how exactly?" He sighed as if I was supposed to get that from his expression only. "When I hold you I basically have to drop your legs, you have to keep them up, I support your back and swing while switching the grip, and then-" I tried to imagine it. Maybe I did get what he wanted to try. I would have to tighten my core and fold my legs, he would momentarily swing me to his side and then release me on my feet. I would grab his shoulder for balance and use his thigh as a stepping stone.

"Let's just try you'll get it," he seemed to think I did not understand him, and before I got to argue he was ready to take me off my feet. We get into to position after the drop. "But are you sure you have the-" I don't have time to finish my argument when his arm disappeared from the back of my knees. And I have no time to focus on keeping my feet up enough.

Then I don't know how but as he swings me back aiming for the side like he planned I end up straddling his waist. Our heads almost clash together and my hands go to his shoulders. To not lose our balance his hands find my lower back and thigh. My legs are around him. My face is inches from his.

Yes, I said I'm starting to not care, that I'm starting to get over it. I never meant I could get over this, him. I can't do anything. I'm met with a set of deep brown eyes that have haunted me ever since that scene in the classroom. I can't help but think why he doesn't let me go.


Why doesn't he indeed? Minho's still processing. His fingers are bearing into her left thigh, her open hair tickles his shoulders, funny her hair was tied before, did the hairband fly off? He can feel her warm breath on his face and every subtle movement of her eyes. His sure she can feel how his heart stopped and began pumping faster than a race car speeds track. The brunette's hands were so close to his chest after all.

Minho pictures how easy it would be to rock her closer. Bury himself in her neck or wrap her securely over him. Thoughts he has so well suppressed until now surface at once. It takes Minho a lot to come to his senses and when he does it shocks him so much he retreats his hands fully.

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