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"Okay let's divide into teams and assign the areas?" Chan started to encourage the very unenthusiastic crowd of people. "Yes..." "Who wanna stay here in the practice room?" Basically, no one was volunteering. "Come on guys it's not that bad of a task with more people we'll finish earlier and it can be fun." Chan tried.

(What were we about to do you ask. Seemingly, a week of rest and light practice was too good of a deal to be actually reality. Well, this certain misfortune was brought on us by Tengo... She was part of the decoration committee for the ball and since they would have to clean around the school she thought why not drag us down with her... It was still two days prior to the event but 'the gymnasium needs to be cleaned before it can be decorated'... So Tengo volunteered us and here we were ready to do some cleaning up at the school.)

Mirae looked at the oldest male compassionately since he probably didn't enjoy the task any more than anyone else did but tried his best to be cheery. The two oldest ones came to school straight from work. "Okay!" Mirae started, "Seungmin and Minho stay here with me." The two mentioned boys looked at her a bit surprised. Chan too. Mirae gave him a smile which he took gratefully.

"Perfect! Then the gym? Three people?" Now Felix volunteered. "If Channie hyung and Innie come with." "Sure." Jeongin agreed. "Perfect then four of you head to the cafeteria and two can take up the hallway," Chan advised.

"Should we just gamble on it?" Hiromi suggested. "Mm." Eenha nodded. "Rock and paper?" They looked and Jisung doubtfully. "What?" Hyunjin chuckled at the confused squirrel, "it just sounds so stupid when said like that." Jisung huffed, "you didn't say that last time-" "Let's just get to it," Changbin stopped the two and the rest gathered closer.


(So Changbin and Himi ended up in the hallway and I, Jisung, Hyunjin, and Tengo went to clean the cafeteria.)

Changbin and Hiromi's first challenge was to find the floor vacuum. Changbin was confident about its whereabouts even though he had never once seen it. Hiromi just followed him around in complete awe. (Remember? He was one of her biggest idols. Someone whose dancing she really liked.) "It has to be on the floor below," Changbin cleared the silence as they reached the staircase. Hiromi hummed a response.

Changbin had taken notice that Hiromi was very quiet. Was he intimidating her? She was usually very bright and energetic. This was their first time as just the two of them. He got a bit anxious. He just wanted to make her comfortable, but how would he do that? "Um, so you're a 02 liner, huh?" Hiromi nodded, "yeah..." "But technically you're a sunbaenim, it's funny," Changbin laughs lightly trying to clear the air. Hiromi shakes her head, "you don't have to think like that!" Changbin just chuckles.


They arrive at the lower floor and Changbin begins to lead the way. Hiromi wanted to say something a normal fan would want to say to their idol like, 'I've been watching you for a long time, I really like you dancing', or something, but she was simply too nervous. And it might sound weird to start saying things like these out of nowhere. A lot of time has passed also, isn't it a little bit late for a confession?

"So what made you become a dancer?" Changbin starts again. "Well at first I didn't want to be one..." She sighs. "But when I was very young I needed a hobby to get away from school." "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." She shook her head again, "it's fine. With time and the right inspiration, I grew to love it, my body can no longer get by without it. Now I'm just very passionate to find my own style and work on making a choreographies from scratch by myself." Changbin smiles at her.

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