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Hyunjin and I painted our mural in the empty school hallway near the lounge which wasn't far from the cafeteria. Although the practice was held mostly on weekends we were still a bit behind compared to the rest of the class. Long days of rehearsing really caused fatigue since during the week we had to attend school normally.

Our spring mural had base colors in it. Meaning it only lacked detail and the extra things we wanted to add to it. Together we decided to make the spring in the midst of a forest. The small pond would create an illusion that it was flowing out of the wall. The water would stream from a pile of mossy rocks and the water would be surrounded by a flower field. To make it like a scene out of a fairytale we would add small fairies to fly around.

So that also meant we had a hell of a lot to do still. The wall was so high we were provided small ladders to paint all the way up to the ceiling. We both listened to music on our own devices. Both however kept one ear free so we could hear each other.

"Give me the ladder," I ask since Hyunjin was closer to them than I was. The blonde glanced at me first before noticing the ladder and handing them over. "You sure it's a good idea for you to take these?" I opened the folded ladder and positioned them next to the wall. "What do you mean?" He focused on painting, "it seems like you're clumsy." I scoff, "am not." I grabbed a palette with the colors I needed. "Well-"


Hyunjin doesn't get to finish his sentence as the brunette has dropped her brush while trying to grab a tissue for her. "Shit!" To their luck, it smashes on the tarp that was prepared for accidents like these. The tall blonde laughs. "Ah shut up," the girl picks up her brush. "I didn't say anything," he coos. "I'll be fine," Eenha assures and starts going up the ladders. "Sure."

The ladder wasn't high just three steps but you could still injure yourself falling. With the dance project and all that would be the last thing, they would want. So even if Hyunjin seemed to be concentrating on painting his part he had an eye locked on the brunette.

"Why would you even take tissues, you're just going to wipe the leftover paint on your hand?" He asked. Eenha was taken aback by the detailed impression. "You sure have given your attention to me pretty boy," she chuckles. Hyunjin scoffs amused, "I just thought it was silly. You'll stain your clothes one day." "Oh, but I already have." They laugh. "My point exactly. So why do you do it?"


I wasn't sure why. Sometimes when you were really into it, it was faster to clean the brush to something that was always close. But I also liked it when it showed that I had painted. Stained hands or clothes made me feel like I had used my time well. I hummed, "well." I looked at the mossy rocks I had started painting and cleaned my brush to the back of my left hand. "It's a drag to use tissues sometimes. My skin is free and so much closer." I hear him chuckle softly. "And when I have paint all over me it makes me feel like I've accomplished something since I've created something. And that gives me momentarily happiness. Like seeing a painting completed."

I pick some mixed green from my palette and focus on the painting. I was too shy to look at him. "That actually sounds like a great reason. Maybe I should try it sometime." When I heard his genuine response it made me comfortable again. "You don't have anything like that?" I ask out of curiosity. "Hm," Hyunjin thought and stopped painting. "I guess when I see the mess on my worktable as I've finished a piece." He laughs lightly and picks up more paint. I smile to myself, "I see."

We then continued to paint in silence. All was good until the school's speakers went on scaring the shit out of me. It was a quick announcement but it already caused harm. The ladder wasn't that narrow but it wasn't that steady either. So as I flinched at the speaker going on, the balance on the ladder got swayed. Which made me sway, "fuck Hwang!" That was the last thing I got to say before the ladder tripped over.

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